50K Reads Special - PT. 1

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From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who has taken the time to read this story of mine.  With it quickly approaching 50K reads, I decided to create some bonus chapters.  I will be posting new chapters from now until BTS' comeback with a special story arc that was not featured in the original story.

For all my Ellegi fans... Enjoy.

Elle POV

"Skye, did you send the recording I edited over to Columbia yet"

The young blue haired assistant nodded through my small phone screen while staying focused on her computer.  The only sound I could hear was the tapping of her keyboard.

"Any word from the Berkeley music department head? Are they still interested in me speaking to the vocal department seniors about the masters program?"

A simple shake of the head was all I got.

"Dude, I'm sorry that I have you working on a Sunday evening.  I would be fucking salty too.  However, is there any chance of you responding to me using your voice?"


"Fucking brat."

"You love me."


I'm surprised her eyes didn't fall out of their sockets with how hard she just rolled them.

"Inspecting the inside of your brain with that eye roll?"

"You're such a bitch."

Elle just smirked.

"All your edits have been sent to and received by Columbia.  I already sent a threatening yet professional email this afternoon to Berkley telling them to get their heads out of their asses or they can kiss goodbye your donations and volunteer hours.  All while I also organized your schedule for the next two weeks."

"That's my girl."

"Can I log off now?  Sonia wants to order take out and have a quiet night in."

"OOOOOOOOOOH!!!????? Planning on getting frisky with your lady tonight?"

"Stop living vicariously through me and my girlfriend you pervert.  Don't you have a rolodex of numbers you can go call for some action?"

"Meh, I'm either too old for a fling or they want to 'settle down'.  No fucking thank you."

"You mean to tell me the almighty Elle is in the middle of a sexual drought????  WOMAN??? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY BOSS??"

"Shut the fuck up hoe."

"That's one way to speak to your employee."

"Yeah, my only fucking employee.  I'm helping you pay for your college you ungrateful twat."

I rolled my eyes when Skye just blew a kiss.

"After that Ivy League douche had the audacity to tell me I was a slut for having sex like a man, I decided to quit men.  At least until I can find one who wants me for me.  Sluttiness, dominating personality, foul mouth and all."

"Ooooh!!!! Dipping your foot in the lady pond by chance?"

This little shit already knew that I tried dating women in college and that it was fucking disaster.  It took only a couple bad experiences for me to quickly realize that I much preferred the feeling of being filled to the brim by cock than messing with another vagina.  Besides, I already sucked at my own damn orgasm, let alone giving one to another female.

Flipping my loyal assistant the bird, she blew a kiss in response.

"See you Tuesday, give yourself tomorrow off you child."

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