Chapter Three

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Third POV

Seraphina was furious, Cora had settled in just fine and got along brilliantly with Crystal. She was let in on the demigod secret and was relieved that we didn't attack her kind of werewolf, and that it was more of a 'you attack us, we attack you' kind of thing. Seraphina, however was furious, because nobody would tell her where Peter was. She would take Cora to visit her uncle everyday for the next couple weeks as she gotten time away from school to deal with her grief and trauma. But suddenly, Peter had been discharged and moved somewhere and would not tell her. They did not believe the heartbroken child with me was Cora Hale and I could not find Melissa McCall anywhere.

Sera knelt down, "Don't worry, we're going to find where your uncle is, can you still feel him?" Sera asked the child. Cora nodded after a second, "He's stressed and being affected by something not good, there's also a bit of longing," she said. Sera called her father to assist with this as they walked up to the Stilinski House and knocked, Claudia answered the door, "Sera? Kolby?"

"Hi Claudia, we need to speak with and maybe threaten your husband," Sera spoke in Greek. Little Stiles peaked out from behind his mother and blushed when Crystal had spotted him, he had been coming over a bit and was introduced to Crystal. He was happy to have met two other people who were three fourths god like him. Claudia had looked down at a still upset Cora and turned "Noah, you have company, they're coming up to you," she turned back to the father and daughter, "I'll watch Crystal and Cora, he's a slight bit afraid of the dark, go at it," she said and let the four people in.

Crystal and Cora settled on the couch and stiles got introduced to Cora and had to ask a lot of werewolf questions, "Sorry he's got ADHD which you'll find a lot of demigods have it. Some are just affected differently, but then again have you been introduced to the Greek Gods?" Cora nodded, "His father is Hermes and his grandmother, my mother, is Athena. Deadly combination for ADHD," she said.

"How does Athena have children if she's a virgin goddess?" Cora asked, curious.

"She thinks her children up. You know who Sera's mother is?"

Cora nodded, "Yeah, Hestia, I met her," Hestia had shown up after hearing about what happened to the werewolf pack next to her daughter's house and how they died of a fire. She, like Sera, was a bit offended that they used fire.

"Well Sera was actually made in Hestia's hearth, that redness in her hair is natural," Claudia said followed by a 'Really?!' from Stiles. Before Claudia could continue, she noticed the second level of the house was all blacked out and her husband screaming, "FINE! FINE!"

A few minutes prior, Sera and Kolby went upstairs, Noah was a bit alarmed seeing the two, he didn't trust the two it had something to do with how they looked but Claudia liked them so he had to deal with it, apparently Seraphina was Claudia's cousin, and was made Stiles' godmother after them not finding one for so long. "How can I help you?" he mumbled out and the two simultaneously raised an eyebrow, annoyed looks on their faces. He didn't know if it was just him but the room started to go dark and he was feeling a mix of heat and coldness. "We would like to know where Peter Hale is," Seraphina spoke.

"Well go to the—" Noah was cut off.

"Oh stop with that bullshit, Seraphina gained guardianship over Cora, and she takes her to visit her uncle. Today they go there and were told he was discharged without Sera knowing and did not believe the child was Cora Hale, no matter if she was crying or not," Kolby started.

"So you are going to come with us, down to the hospital and force them to tell us where he is," Sera said slowly. Noah was about to deny it, but then he was really sure the room was getting darker and he could not figure out why, "FINE! FINE!" he yelled and was startled that the darkness went away and Sera and Kolby were smiling, "Great! Let's go!" Sera ordered, heading back down stairs while Kolby stayed with Noah who was slowly getting ready, he was making sure he didn't try anything that would make his daughter even more mad. Hestia had a reputation on Olympus and being nice and friendly until she actually did get mad and then she looked like Hades went he went into the demonic fiery form. Judging by the burnt mark on the floor, Sera was close to that point and he did not want to know if she could actually turn into that form.

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