Chapter Twenty-Three

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Peter was out at the grocery store with Malia. He liked having the times where he spent time with one of his daughters. He did feel like Cora and Crystal would push Peter and Malia out together since biologically they were father and daughter and he just adopted the other two. Malia was sitting in the cart, her legs stretched over the side. Peter was ignoring the looks he was being given. If Malia could still fit in the cart, she could get in the cart, it's not like she does it all the time. They were both listing off what they would need. Even though the pack wasn't full of wolves, everyone still ate a lot of food. Kolby, Sera, and Crystal, along with Adira, Bobby, and Isaac when they were over were only god-human hybrids (he didn't know how to group them together when some of them aren't technically demigods and actually three fourths god instead of half) they did eat a lot, especially when they were training and needed enough energy for when the Greek monsters decided Beacon Hills was a nice place to visit. On top of that, they also had to factor when Pollux, Castor, and Luke visit, which adds three more demigods...and to hide the wine from the purple-eyed twins. Then there was the other part of the pack, him, Cora, and Malia, the three werewolves/werecoyote which the three of them also ate a lot. Then you have stiles who's three-fourths god mixed with a dark kitsune who's been already started being a little trickster trying to take food away, but will apologize afterwards. Of course members of the pack get upset by it, but they know he's trying to keep his fox half fed.

"Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Fruity Pebbles?" Peter asked Malia.

"Both," she responded.

Peter shrugs, "Okay," he said, "Three and three?"

"Mhmm," Malia said, grabbing a couple of the boxes as Peter checked his list again.

"Mr. Hale?" a voice called and Peter turned around and was faced with Natalie Martin, "I was wondering if you could help me?" she was quietly, it was too quietly that Peter and even Malia should not have been able to hear it. Peter's eyes narrowed before Natalie caught on and said, "No, honestly, I want help," she reassured. Peter nods for her to continue, eyes still narrowed while his nine year old stayed behind him.

"My daughter is like Stiles," was all she had to say before Peter's glare relaxed some, and Malia peaked out from behind her dad's back. "She's my adoptive daughter, my ex-husband is her father. Her mother is Aphrodite and her father is a legacy of Thanatos. Her father's line also had a banshee gene and her mother came to us in a dream expressing her wishes for Lydia to come and possibly join your pack. She already knows about her supernatural heritage, but she didn't know the godly and she's now being attacked by monsters. Aphrodite's children have the ability of charmspeak and with her banshee gene, she's able to use her scream as a defense, but we want her to know someone else who is a supernatural-godly hybrid. Would you give her a chance. Please?" Natalie pleaded.

Peter studied the woman for a bit before writing something down, "This is where the Night house, make sure Lydia knows how to get there is she comes across a Greek monster, it's a safe place for demigods," he said, handing her a little piece of paper. Natalie sighed in relief, thanking him a few times, before she turned and walked away. Peter could hear her getting on the phone and calling Lydia's father and telling him what happened and hearing his relief too.

Peter turned back around to see Pop tarts have now joined the cart along with puppy dog eyes from Malia. "Fine," Peter said, giving in.

"Yay," Malia cheered.

"But you have to get out of the cart. Too many big things," Peter added, walking over and lifting his daughter out of the cart. "Boo," Malia responds with a pout, but follows him. She knows if she runs off, she has to be the one to explain why her dad didn't come home with Poptarts to Stiles, Crystal, and Cora.

The made it through the whole store, "Feeding an army?" the cashier said, now seeing that Peter had filled up three carts full of food. "We'll say yes," Peter answered. Watching the price rack up and up. He would've been alarmed at first because he was usually not the one who grocery shopped before the fire happened, but he knew they had enough money. Apparently if a house was considered a demigod safe house, the gods did give them money to pay for food and equipment.

Once Malia and Peter were back in the car, they stopped for milkshakes before heading back. Stiles and Crystal looked offended that Malia got milkshakes while Cora tried to fight Malia. "Cora," Peter warned and the werewolf stopped.

Sera came out and so Peter told her about Malia. "My magic is better at night so Adira would have to help, but I don't want to hurt the pups' ears if we had them "attack" her. We could do the fake battles with fake realistic enemies and train Lydia to use her scream. I know banshees tend to become depressed because they can't stop the deaths they see most of the time, so if she joins Stiles can feed that way and calm her down, we just need her to acknowledge that it happened. If she were actually in battle, she wouldn't be able to dwell on what happened, she needs to be able to fight," Sera explained. Peter nods, he understood. Unfortunately children in that world, whether supernatural or godly, needed to train and not think about deaths until after a battle. It would be hard for Lydia, but they hoped she could get there. It's not like they could send Lydia to camp for Capture the Flag like they do Stiles. People get hurt and he feeds off the pain while still fighting and learning to not be distracted by it. They also do the fake enemies with skeletal warriors Hades will summon who still feel some emotions from when they were alive and see if Stiles gets distracted.

"Now, I think we're settled on Lydia, how did it go with Stiles?" Peter asked, noticing Sera was in a suit jacket and pants.

Sera sighed, coming to sit beside Peter, laying her head on his shoulder, "Noah's being difficult. I managed to get it so I get Stiles on weekends, he gets him on weekdays. I had to sue a bit of influence to get him to let me take Stiles to a summer camp for ADHD kids. I also assume from a 'Mr. Martin' putting in an approval for my plan, that he's thankful we're taking in his daughter," she said. She knew the man was trying for Lydia, trying to give her the support of a mother through Natalie because he was busy an awful lot. This was him trying to show appreciation for Peter possibly accepting Lydia, and man she did appreciate it.

"So, that was the agreement?" Peter said.

"Mhmm, now we just hope Void doesn't come out and kill his stepfather."

(Please check if I have mentioned when I will update before asking)

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