Chapter Seven

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Peter POV

I watched in shock and with a bit of wariness when Talia had appeared. I couldn't do anything to protect my daughter, or my mate. But to my shock, she apologized; she was asking for forgiveness, she even apologized to Malia who had taken to trying to hide behind Seraphina. Seraphina, I love her name, and her red hair, and her warm but cold personality. Okay, I'm getting side tracked, next thing I knew Talia was looking at me. Is she going to insult me more?

"I know I treated you wrongly, I just didn't know how isolated you felt especially after your brother died. I saw what you did for the younger members of the pack and it gave you those blue eyes. You should have bee treated better, and for that, I am truly sorry. I, Talia Hale, Alpha of the Hale Pack, hereby claim Peter Hale as the new Alpha of the Hale Pack," she said. I looked at her in shock and saw her glow red and a wolf appeared before entering me.

I was listening to what she said to Cora, about how she it's okay to not forgive them but to not grow bitter like she did. I agreed with it, Derek and Laura were not welcomed back, being declared alpha of the Hale pack took the title from Laura, she's just an alpha. I saw the two bonds that belonged to them and severed them before they could notice and before the pups were added so they wouldn't feel it. I had heard about Stiles and Claudia being hidden Nogitsunes, I knew from research that one could work well in a pack where they could feel everyone else. They could pull pain from a pack member if they weren't there and feed off of it. He wanted Sera's opinion though, I knew she was his godmother.

My wolf was getting stronger and I could feel the rest of me healing even quicker. After Talia had left, I felt a strong bond to the redhead next to me, knowing she had accepted the bond we had. I had started moving and I looked right at her while everyone had still been shocked that the plan had worked. I squeezed Sera's hand and she looked at me, her dark but kind eyes widened, "Peter," she whispered.

I gave her a smile and the pups heads had jerked up, they felt a new bond, "Daddy!" "Uncle Peter!" they said in full happiness and tackled me, my new instincts kicking in and I grabbed them before they could fall off. The gods looked happy that everything turned out well and left us alone for a bit. Claudia had left to have time with Stiles. Kolby went with Bobby somewhere after the two helped me stand up and they took Crystal with them.

"Hello Seraphina," I finally spoke to her in a low voice and saw a blush slightly appear, "Hi Peter," she said back. I finally had her in my arms and I was so happy, I almost convinced myself that it was a dream. Cora and Malia looked so happy, the two were beaming.

"Girls," I said, "Why don't you two go play somewhere else. I'm not going anywhere," I told them," I suggested. The two nodded and left back to one of their rooms, I could hear them talking about including Crystal in on something when she got back.

Sera told me more about herself, about who her mother and grandmother were. How she liked to have time to just read, or times she prefers being in the dark. How she's rather peaceful until she actually gets pissed off. "In terms of the pack, I did sever the chances of Derek and Laura coming back before the pups could feel it—"

"Good," she interrupted me, making me look at her stunned and in admiration.

"I added the pups, which I'm sure you could feel," Sera nodded, "I wanted to add Crystal and Kolby if they were okay with it," she smiled, "And then Stiles, I heard about him being a Nogitsune, I thought it would actually be beneficial if he had also joined, he could actually feed of chaos and pain through the pack, and it would keep others calmer and more aware," I brought up. Sera thought about it, "I think it would be good for him, he's going to be young and grieving, and I doubt his step father is going to do anything," Sera said with a bit of annoyance at the end. I grabbed her hand, "I can already tell that he thinks of you as another mother figure, I think Claudia also has that impression and she wants him to have a mother figure, or else she probably would have stopped coming here," I told her.

After a little bit, I had gotten tired, getting a power boost didn't mean getting an adrenaline boost, unfortunately. I had noticed Sera also had been looking quite tired, she must've actually felt the bond. Humans had the most difficulty feeling that kind of bond, or even a apck bond, but then again Sera's only a fourth human. She must not have been able to sleep well, I brought her to her room, distantly hearing Kolby and Crystal arriving back and motioning for my daughter and niece to get ready for bed. I lay down beside Sera who had immediately pulled me to her and cuddled into me before she fell asleep. 

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