Chapter Eleven

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Third POV

Peter and Sera were enjoying their late night picnic before Sera noticed the presence again. "Sera?" Peter got her attention again. "I sensed somebody else, but it was in the forest. It went away for a bit but its closer now," Sera said, warily. Peter tensed and started looking around; it seemed that the Nemeton sensed the presence because Peter's attention kept getting dragged into a certain direction.

"Seraphina Night, what the Hades are you doing with that werewolf? With that boy! He could kill you, and other things! He's a monster!" said a young woman that Sera knew to be Artemis. "Lady Artemis, what are you doing here?"

"Getting you away from that thing," Artemis sneered, "I don't know why so many gods were trying to help him, and he's just a werewolf. They tear people apart."

Sera heard Peter's growling get louder, the woman was insulting him and trying to take his mate away from him, "Might as well get those children out of the way too," Artemis mumbled but they both heard it. Peter snapped, his red eyes were on display and his teeth were growing sharper as his claws came out. Sera wrapped his arms around him to calm him some so he didn't attack the goddess. She knew he was defending his mate and pack, but he didn't need to attack, he was protecting. Sera was calling out to Apollo and her mom to stop Artemis.

The next thing Seraphina knew, Artemis had her bow and arrows out, the ones with silver, even though this was a different werewolf and they didn't have a weakness to silver. Peter was protecting his mate, but his mate knew Peter had been harmed enough as he was still recovering from the fire. Sera had turned and the arrows entered her ribs, she let out a pained gasp as Peter looked at her in disbelief before holding her closer, being mindful of the arrow. Peter let out an enraged roar, startling the goddess from reacting so badly, while the goddess was in shock that she just shot a female demigoddess.

"What the hell did you do?" said a calm but not happy Apollo. A woman in her late twenties was behind him, "New play thing?" Artemis questioned. The two cringed, "She's my daughter," Apollo said, making Artemis look shocked that she didn't recognize one of her nieces. Adira Dawn, his daughter, was slowly making her way towards the Alpha werewolf who was sitting with bleeding mate protected in his arms, staring at her in caution, "Get away from him!" Artemis screeched towards her niece.

"No, I want to help heal my friend that you shot," Adira said back. Before Artemis could argue, Hestia had appeared next to Apollo, full grown and on fire. Peter had prayed to her after her daughter was shot. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU SHOOT MY DAUGHTER!"

"Alpha Hale," Adira spoke softly to the tensed up Alpha, "My name's Adira, I'm good friends with Sera. She talked about you a lot, how the handsome werewolf caught her eye," Adira said, "I'm also a witch, and because of my father I specialize and healing, could I look and see. You don't have to let her go, and you can watch, I don't mind," Adira was happy when after a second, Peter opened up his hands that were covering where the arrow went. Just by looking, Adira knew Sera had some injured ribs, thankfully organs were missed, there would just be some muscle damage, she explained it to Peter who looked a bit relieved. Nyx had also shown up and was yelling at the moon goddess, "THEY ARE MATES, HE WAS TAKING HER ON A DATE. I CANT BELIEVE YOU THREATENED TO KILL CHILDREN!" Nyx screeched.

Artemis got taken back to Olympus, where the punishment was her Hunters had to stay at the camp for four months, without having their weapons and powers were muted. Of course, knowing their predicaments on joining the Hunt, they were given an item that would take them straight back to their cabin. What surprised the Hunt was the glare Aphrodite was giving their Lady, and then finding out that she had tracked down Seraphina, who had helped many of the younger ones, and attacked a werewolf, who was different from the type that they hunt, and was soul mates to Seraphina. They were surprised that even though the Love Goddess was giving the Moon Goddess that glare, she still helped them out and made that item for them. The Hunt needed to learn that not all males were bad, that not all females were good, that joining the Hunt shouldn't mean that you have to stop talking to your brothers that you abandoned.

Peter had brought Sera back where Kolby was anxiously waiting, he was unknowingly making the rooms darker, his emotions getting to him. The girls were sent to their rooms, they knew something was wrong, Malia and Cora knew that was Peter and Crystal was smart enough to figure that out. Peter had brought Sera in and felt a bit better about Adira hearing Kolby question the woman's presence. Kolby brought Peter out of the room knowing he wouldn't be able to see an arrow being pulled out of his daughter, and Peter wouldn't be able to see it either. "What I am about to tell you, you need to stay calm about until Sera is stable," Kolby said and shared the information about Deaton. He saw Peter's eyes flash red before Kolby put one of Sera's shirts under the wolf's nose. Yeah, he came prepared. "One was already suggested as a replacement, she has experience with animals, so she could take over the vet, and she's best friends with Sera. Yes Adira, go and watch her, you're the Alpha not us, it's your pack to lead," Kolby said and Peter walked back out to watch Adira as she healed the wounds as Apollo put what Peter knew was nectar down Sera's throat.

When Adira was done and Sera were stable, Peter turned to Kolby, "How bad is Sera's temper?" he whispered.

"Well, worse than her mother's but better than mine, why?"

"Wanted Deaton to get a taste of his own medicine while Adira takes over as emissary if she wants too," Peter said.

Adira gave him a smile in acceptance while Kolby looked at his daughter again, "Yeah, she'll do it."

Jennifer Lawrence as Adira Dawn

Jennifer Lawrence as Adira Dawn

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