Chapter Nineteen

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Stiles was packing for the summer, Claudia helping him, "What cabin am I in?" Stiles asked in Greek. "You will be in your father's cabin, but you'll be in the undetermined side, until Hermes officially claims you, but he also needs to get your grandmother in order to do it, then you'll go on the other side," Claudia explained, putting one of his Greek books in his bag, "You'll possibly have to be in a hurry when you get there and I'm sure Sera will remind you to only bring small bags you can run with in case you are chased. You also need to remember that your siblings like yourself like to steal, so make sure you still have all of your items. You have a brother there, Luke, who knows who and what you are and will be waiting. Sera told me he's about four years older than you. She also told me that you'll probably have a schedule mixed with the Athena cabin and to be aware of Annabeth, she's a bit bitchy," she added.

Claudia finished helping Stiles. Stiles was fidgeting in place having not taken his medication. Chiron had wanted to know how Stiles' instincts were without the medication if they were so well when he was on it. Chiron had also been made aware of Stiles' future supernatural status and knew the God of Madness would be helping Stiles control his chaotic tendencies. Stiles heard someone coming to the door and rushed down to see Sera on the other side, "Hi! Are we leaving? Are we leaving?" he asked, jumping in place.

Sera laughed, "Yes, we're leaving," she said. Kolby was behind her smirking at the hyperactive boy. He was going to annoy all of the Athena kids and he couldn't wait to hear all about it. Stiles ran back up the stairs, yelling, "Mom! Mom! Mom! They're here! They're here!"

"He's going to annoy Chiron," Sera mumbled and Kolby burst out laughing imagining the centaur regretting his decision of having the already hyperactive child not take the things that keep him a little bit calmer.

Stiles sped past them and tried to hug Crystal, but she summoned an ice dagger and tried to stab him making him jump away. "Okay, Flash, let's go," Sera said. As she passed her father, she whispered, "I have 100 on them getting together as teenagers," she bet.

"I'll pitch in another 100 for 18 and older," Kolby whispered back. The two shook hands and met up with Isaac and Adira, "Okay, Isaac, we can do this two different ways to get there quickly. Whichever one you're more comfortable with, we can do. You can either travel by fire which will be pretty warm, or you can go by shadow travel which will be dark but only for a second," Sera offered.

Isaac peeked around to look at the bouncing child and the calmer child, "Which do you do?"

"I'm the daughter of the Goddess of Ice, I may have been blessed to tolerate heat, but I still have limits and I'm not the most comfortable around fire. My biological great grandmother is grandpa's mom, so I naturally am more comfortable with shadow travel, just pick whichever you believe is more comfortable," Crystal said.

Stiles, still bouncing, "I'm going by fire, just because it's cool!"

"You're also secretly a pyromaniac," Sera mumbled, but Stiles heard from the offended "Hey!" he let out.

"Is she wrong?" Kolby sassed.

The boy stopped bouncing for once and thought about it, and shook his head, "No."

"It's probably your fox," Isaac shyly spoke. Everyone looked at him and thought about it, "Yeah, it makes sense cause of fire being chaotic," Adira said.

"Now, I'm thankful none of the Hales came if this was going to be the conversation," Kolby muttered making everybody stop.

"We should stop talking about fire," Crystal suggested.

Adira looked back down at her nephew, "Isaac, I personally think since some of my dad's attributes are showing and your history that you would prefer fire travel," she suggested. Isaac nodded, "I thought that too," he said.

"Okay," Sera said, clapping her hands, "Crystal, go to your grandfather. Isaac and Stiles, say goodbye to your mother and aunt, and come back to me," she said.

The two boys hugged there guardians goodbye, before hurrying back to the daughter Hestia who grabbed their hands and they both watched in amazement as fire started to spread along their legs and quickly spread up as they disappeared appearing at the bottom of a hill.

"I smell demigods," a voice hissed. "Run, run, run," Sera and Kolby pushed them recognizing empousai.

"Who is that?" Stiles yelled as they ran.

"A bitch named Kelli, now move!" Kolby kept yelling as Sera threw fire behind them.

"Through the barrier, they can't get through!" Sera yelled. They all stopped as they past 'Camp Half Blood' and paused. "Hi Thalia," Sera said to a nearby tree.

"That's Thalia?" Stiles asked and Crystal nodded.

"Thalia is a daughter of Zeus that was killed before she could make it here and got turned into a tree that acts as a barrier," Sera explained to the confused Isaac. She knew why the hellhound had sent after Thalia, she felt sorry for the girl, but it was Zeus' fault.

"Mr. D!" Crystal yelled, waving her hand wildly. The Big House had come into sight and Dionysus and Chiron were visible, "Wine Dude!" Stiles yelled making the god roll his eyes in response. Then Stiles' attention shifted, "Oh. My. Gods."

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