Chapter Sixteen

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Isaac was slowly getting more used to others. He had met Stiles, Crystal, Malia, and Cora. He got along with them quite well and he was happy to finally have some friends. He had found out that he had ADHD and it was normal for demigods, he had witnessed all the other demigods at some point have hyperactive episodes (mainly Stiles and Bobby) or times they would randomly get distracted, or think about too many things. Adira, his sister that was now his guardian, had sat him down and explained that it wasn't something he would get punished over.

Isaac learned more about himself and what he should expect. The advantage of knowing other demigods without going to the camp is they can inform you of what to look out for. That his instincts are usually right, he would actually be sensing a Greek monster that was after him. He learned that demigods take on personalities or abilities of their parents, which would make sense, but then again some have more abilities than others, and you don't know what abilities you have if you have more than one god in your blood line.

While being introduced to other demigods, he learned about their personalities and abilities. Kolby, who was a son of the primordial Nyx, could control shadows and communicate with animals along with night vision. His personality made him seem scary unless he actually cares for you. He remembered hearing about the Nights from his father and how he had actually been scared of them. Isaac found out Seraphina had the same abilities from Nyx, but also had an ability over fire. Sera was very motherly and welcoming until you made her angry, apparently gaining this personality from Hestia, her mother. Sera could also do a bit of magic as a result of a blessing. Bobby was a son of Hermes, and was very hyperactive; apparently ADHD was worse in the Hermes kids in the hyperactivity area. Claudia was a daughter of Athena, and Isaac had been told about her illness and her bound dying fox that caused it. Stiles had the worst ADHD because while Hermes kids have the hyperactivity, Ares and Athena children were more instinctual and will strategize, something Isaac was warned to be aware of. Stiles was also apparently getting his fox unbound which may or may not calm him down some, they don't know, but Stiles hopes so, he doesn't like taking those pills. Crystal has an icy personality, and ice abilities. She had a habit of making little figurines out of ice when she was bored, or she would just fall asleep. Isaac had warned that if his dreams were rather weird, Crystal was subconsciously messing with them. Crystal also gained a bit of knowledge over healing as a result of the blessing from Apollo to allow her to live in California comfortably.

At the moment, Isaac was sitting in what used to be Deaton's veterinary clinic. His father had been sent to prison and died of "mysterious circumstances" and nobody could figure out what it was. Nobody at the prison really cared, he was a child abuser and nobody put up with that there.

Adira had found Deaton's hidden druid stuff and started looking around with Sera's help, "So how's Peter been?" Adira asked as Sera was looking through some books to see what Adira could still use as the new emissary. "He's been doing rather well; he's more calm now but still hesitant for any of us to leave his sight, but that could be his Alpha instincts kicking in. We're going on another date and hopefully won't have another interruption. I'm keeping this book," Sera said, closing the book she was looking at, putting it in her pile. Adira scowled, she was still rather upset with her aunt. Wasn't she supposed to have a connection with wolves? Granted, there were Greek wolves that are bad, but not all of them, Peter isn't even Greek.

"I would say it is his instincts, but if he's calming down more than he shouldn't have a problem with the children all going to school after camp," Adira theorized. Well, if he doesn't have a heart attack over camp then he should be fine.

"Yeah, the only worry would be Stiles, but he knows Beacon Hills so well, he can get somewhere safe," Sera answered. The two were a bit worried, noticing Claudia go into longer dazes, needing to snap herself out of it. From how clingy Stiles has been towards Claudia, he noticed too. Cora and Malia were also picking up on the daughter of Athena's scent change, but Peter already had a talk with them to not mention it, because it would upset Stiles and Claudia.

"So, do you mind taking Isaac to camp? I should probably stay here as I would be only vet here. I don't want to stop Isaac from getting introduced to the Camp," Adira asked. They had to wait a bit before explaining to Peter that Sera would need to leave for a bit in the summer to drop Crystal off at the camp and to visit some other demigods like Luke, Pollux, and Castor. Crystal, while blessed to deal with the California heat, had a harder time in the summer. Noah had been convinced to let Stiles go, but Claudia would stay behind, she didn't fully trust herself around other demigods she wasn't familiar with. Her illness was still very slowly progressing as she had been sticking to the ambrosia and nectar that Apollo suggested, but she knew it was worse and she didn't want to harm a child accidently.

"Yeah, I can take him," Sera said, and then smiled as she looked back, motioning for Adira to look back, Isaac had been quiet the whole time and they didn't know why until they saw him deeply interested in the book he was reading after Sera spelled them into Greek. Apparently, Isaac had an interest in healing.

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