Chapter Twelve

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Third POV

Bobby had heard about Sera being attacked by Artemis and hurried to the Night House, and to his shock, was met with Adira, his camp crush. "Adira?" he said in shock.

"Hi Bobby," she waved.

"W-what are you d-doing here?" he stuttered out. He could see Apollo come down the stairs giving the son of Hermes a smirk, one that was a mix of 'I know you like her' and 'If you hurt her, I'll rip out your intestines,' and walked by.

"Well I believe I've been made the new pack emissary," Adira said. "I was already being brought here by dad and then found out Sera had been shot by my aunt so I got work pretty quickly," she added. It was a little nerve wracking having Peter looking over her shoulder and hearing his slight growls when Sera moaned in pain, especially when using fire to help Sera heal. Apollo wasn't helping much, partly because of his anger towards his sister, resulting in the sun making the place warmer and almost giving poor Crystal heat stroke, and because he was wanting Adira to take charge as she would be becoming the healer.

"How is Sera?" Bobby asked.

"She's healing, thankfully no major damage. Used ambrosia and nectar to help the healing process, and then used some fire after getting Peter to relax, she heals by fire," Adira added to the three startled children who were listening in. "She's sleeping right now," she finished. Adira promised to be back to check on Sera, she was going to check out the town in the morning, which Bobby immediately offered to help. "Oh, he like-likes her," Cora whispered to the other two girls.

Crystal nodded, "Yeah, he would stammer over anything when Mom and I went to the camp with him and she was there," she said. It was actually quite funny. "Okay girls, time for bed," Kolby said, coming in.

"Can we see mom?" Crystal asked.

Kolby hesitated, yes his injured daughter didn't help the still slightly feral Alpha, but Adira was quite helpful giving something to help calm him. "Okay, but be quiet," he agreed and warned. The three nodded and followed the older demigod to the back room. The back room, or Sera's bedroom had warm tones to it to make it seem practically the homiest room in the house, but it was also darker. In the room, on the bed lay there mother figure, Cora and Malia already had that urge to call her there mother. Malia's mother had abandoned her and Sera openly accepted her, while Cora already saw Peter as her father figure as her actual father wasn't in the picture, so then she started seeing Sera as a mother figure, even Talia couldn't be mad about it because even she admitted she wasn't the best mother. Sera was asleep on her back, shirt lifted up, showing her bandages wrapped around her stomach. Next to Sera was the slumped over form of Peter Hale, he had been asleep but then noticed his three pups were entering the room.

Kolby gave him an apologetic look which Peter waved off and motioned the pups forward. He lifted each girl up so they could say goodnight to his mate, "Goodnight Mommy," he heard come from all three of them, giving her a kiss on the cheek each. Peter and Kolby both wore smiles hearing Sera's new title from Cora and Malia. Peter soon returned to his position beside Sera's side of the bed and rested his head on the bed again.

In the morning, Peter felt another hand, quite similar to the one he had been holding, moving down his arm, waking him up. Peter lifted his head to find Sera using him to turn on her side, "What? I've been in one position, I have cramps," she quietly defended herself making Peter smile a bit. "And Adira's back," she added. Peter was surprised as he had looked at the clock, it was six in the morning. Sera, seeing the look on Peter's face, added, "There was always a joke at camp that the Apollo cabin was always up when the Sun was up."

He heard footsteps in the hall lead to the room, "Which is true, you night owl," came Adira's voice. "Shut up," he heard Kolby, aka, the reason Sera is a night owl, grumble.

"I'm here to check your stomach," Adira told Sera, coming forward and helping her sit up. She unwrapped the bandages and looked, "Oh, goody, you're healed. It might hurt or feel tender for another day but you are healed," Adira said.

"So what are you doing today?" Sera asked, she was changing her clothes while Peter went to wake up the girls.

"I'm being shown around Beacon Hills by Bobby," Adira said. Sera gave her a slight smirk, not quite saying anything yet but enjoying the daughter of Apollo's quick noticeable blush. "Mmm-hmm Bobby's showing you around," the daughter of Hestia teased.

"Shut up," Adira replied before the rest came down, Kolby, like Sera heading straight for the coffee. Sera was kept inside for that day, so she spent the time with the girls, it was a full moon that night so Malia and Cora were a bit antsy. Peter was managing to teach the two some schooling, he wanted them to be ahead in case something would go wrong in a shift or they were too exhausted. Stiles had been over too, but he was with Sera and Crystal. Peter had found out that a common thing with demigods other than ADHD was dyslexia and it was hard for them to read English. Now, if you gained favor with Athena or maybe Hephaestus, you might gain a blessing or some eye contacts/glasses that correct the dyslexia. So Sera was actually teaching the two in Greek.

That night, a fully shifted Peter was followed by two partly shifted pups, he was following something, his instincts going off. He found what he was looking for, he needed to tell Sera about the little boy that smelt of blood, digging graves late at night.

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