Chapter Thirteen

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Third POV

Sera woke up the next morning to see Peter laying next to her with a certain look on his face. It was a face that made her know that he was contemplating something, his eyebrows were scrunched together and he didn't notice she was awake. She knew one's heartbeat was faster than it was when asleep, so he would've known. She turned to look at him, grabbing his attention, noticing she had no pain.

"I think it's healed," she said. Peter carefully lifted the bandage seeing clear pale skin with no sign of a wound, "Yeah, it's healed," he said, taking the rest off.

"Great, now what were you thinking about?" Sera asked, giving him her full attention.

"Well, one thing you did miss because we found about it when you were injured is that there were druid symbols around the Hale property, Alan Deaton was our emissary and a druid," Peter started. He could see the fire in her eyes grow; thankfully he was not terrified of her fire. Aphrodite had explained it had to do with her being bonded to him, he naturally would not be scared of fire that she summoned, by default Cora and Malia being the same as she was the Luna of the pack and their father/Uncle's mate.

"What else?" she suddenly asked.


"I can tell your leaving something out, what else?"

"What would you think about taking in another child?" Peter asked. Sera raised an eyebrow in response so Peter reluctantly explained, "Last night, when me and the shifted pups were out, I smelled a bit of blood, so I followed it. It lead us to the cemetery where a man was forcing his son, late at night, to dig graves," Peter explained.

Sera thought for a second, but before she could speak, Peter added in quickly, "And he also seemed to be the pups ages."

"We should frame him in Deaton's murder and then he dies 'mysteriously' in jail," Sera immediately said, a little bit of a sadistic look in her eyes. Peter smirked sadistically back, "So we're planning a murder?"

Sera shrugged, "It can be our next date, what could be better?"

Sera finally was able to walk out of her room, getting a clean bill of health from Adira. "Dad, we need a favor," she told Kolby.

"Oh no, what do you want?" he said back jokingly. She smiled but then her face turned serious, letting him know this was going to be something he should pay attention too. "Do you know where the Lahey's are?"

"Yes, why?"

"Well, Peter last night believes he found Isaac Lahey digging graves late at night and he could smell blood on him..." she lead off seeing her dad got the idea. "I'll check now," he said and left the room and much to Peter's surprise, slipped through a shadow.

"Well you know with my grandmother being Nyx, she has control over night time?" Sera asked. Peter nodded, "Well, we can blend into the shadows as a result, it's also because Erebus thankfully likes his step children so we tend to also get the ability from him and allow us to shadow travel. Hades and his children are also able to do it and maybe Thanatos if he were to have children. Dad's going to stay in the shadows and get into the Lahey's house. If he sees something, he will inform us, then we will go to Stilinski and voice our concerns and tonight, Deaton dies," Sera explained.

Peter stared at his mate in awe, "You are the most amazing, beautiful woman I have ever met," he blurted out.

"I better be," she retorted. Then they noticed all around them, the shadows increased, "I think we will be going with my plan," Sera hypothesized. Kolby stepped through the shadows again, anger visible on his face, "He keeps him in a freezer as a punishment, there are scratch marks in it. He was in there when I showed up and that sorry excuse of a father pulled him out, and he was bruised up and borderline hypothermic," Kolby seethed.

Peter growled in anger while Sera's hair subconsciously caught on fire, "Well, guess we have to take a trip to the Sheriff," Sera said. "Wait until you're calm first," Adira advised when she walked in having heard the whole thing.

Peter and Sera waited an hour. The children had started making their way down to eat, making plans for their days. Adira offering to teach them some healing stuff when Stiles came over, and Kolby adding in he would help with teaching Greek. There was no basic learning today as a result as Peter would not be here and he was the only adult who didn't have dyslexia. Normally Claudia would have stepped in, but she had a bad headache today and Sera said she would pick him up at the Sheriff's office.

Sera got in her car, Peter getting in the other side, and they drove down to the sheriff's station. "We're here for a meeting with the Sheriff and to pick up his son," Sera said. Peter was still getting used to everybody staring at him, thankfully the stares were reducing. The two walked into the Sheriff's office seeing Stiles waving wildly at them. Peter and Sera gave him small smile back and Sera spoke up, "Stiles, can I speak to your father for a little bit?" she asked.

Stiles nodded and walked out with Peter to keep him company. "I have a request, and this is only out of worry. I would like the Lahey house to be searched, I am concerned that Isaac Lahey is being abused by his father," Sera said. Noah's eyes widened and he wrote down what Sera hoped was a note to get a search warrant.

"I will get a search warrant," oh goody, she was right, "Unfortunately it won't be in until tomorrow though," he added. Sera nodded a bit sad, but inside she dancing with victory, she had a murder to do, her mate could avenge his family, but they had to explain it to the five year old boy who was definitely listening in.

(A/N: What should Isaac be?

A Demigod—who would be his godly parent? It needs to be a god not a goddess

A Legacy—same as above

A werewolf

Half god, half werewolf)

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