Chapter Eighteen

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(Ten minutes Before)

Stiles, who had just celebrated his six birthday a week ago, was laying on his bed reading a book. He liked to read fantasy books because it calmed him the best. He was startled out of his fantasy world when his compass alarm went off, the one that told him the danger was his mother. He heard footsteps storming up to his room and hearing his step father say, "Where are you going with the baseball bat?"

"I'm gonna beat that thing dead!" Claudia snarled. Stiles had already grabbed his backpack that he supplied for having to make a run for it and headed for his window as his mom started to swing at the door. He could hear the struggle between his parents before Claudia swung the door open and Stiles saw the crazed look in her eyes from the window, "You!" she snarled swinging the bat around, trying to get to him, but he was too quick and jumped out the window, missing the baseball bat as it hit his lamp, "Claudia!" was the last thing he heard as he ran across the street and into the forest, 'Nice to know my step father doesn't care about where his son went,' he thought to himself.

Stiles went to along the path he knew was the quickest to Sera's. He was thankful for the training he already had making his endurance and adrenaline increase. He could run faster than Crystal, Sera, Adira, and Kolby, and almost as fast as Cora and Malia. Peter and Bobby were still faster than him. He was snapped out of his thoughts as his compass went off again, this time warning him of a monster. He heard a growl and turned to see a hellhound growling at him, making him high tail it out of there. He brought the dagger he keeps for protection out just in case the hell hound catches up to him. He passed through some familiar trees, seeing the Night house appear and ran up to the door, the hellhound almost paused sensing a child of the Underworld and some of their descendants but stopped when it sensed the son of Hermes again. Stiles was rapidly knocking on the door knowing at least one Night would be awake or at least Peter could feel the bond.

Sera opened the door and Stiles scurried inside to see a red eyed Peter and Kolby behind them. While Peter, Cora, and Malia were supernatural, they couldn't always see a Greek monster which is why they flash their eyes. Sera stormed outside with Kolby following. The hellhound almost backed down seeing the Greek fire come out of Sera's hands and the dark aura surrounding her and her father, but not all monsters are smart. It charged at Kolby first, narrowly missing his blade, only to be caught by the Greek fire, a fire that could actually burn it and it screeched. Kolby swung his blade at the hellhound and it disintegrated into gold dust. "Stiles, was it just one?" Sera asked the boy that was peering from behind Peter's back. The boy nodded, and the two relaxed, "Now, why did you come?" Kolby asked.

"My alarm went off, the one for mom attacking me. She was about to attack me with a baseball bat before I dropped out of the window and came here," Stiles explained. He was visibly upset, he knew this would have happened eventually, but it still was upsetting. Sera opened her arms and he ran into them and started crying.

(Stilinski House) (A/N: I know nothing about frontotemporal dementia)

Claudia had sat there in shock. There were paramedics tending to her as in her trance she had stepped on glass and had cut herself. She couldn't believe she just attacked her son. Her precious, hyperactive, mischievous, smart son had to run away from her. Noah was off to the side, taking a drink of alcohol as Melissa (who heard the commotion) checked on him. "Where's Stiles?" she had asked him. She saw Noah freeze and narrowed her eyes, "You decided to take a drink of alcohol instead of finding out where your son is?" she asked. She could now see Claudia glaring at her husband before asking a paramedic to hand her the phone. She dialed a number and put the phone up to her ear, "Is Stiles with you?" she waited, tears forming in her eyes again as she listened, "Tell him I'm sorry, he can stay the night there. I'll spend time with him in the morning before you he leaves," she said and hung up the phone, "He's with his godmother," she told them before the other policemen in the room sent out a search party for the boy.

"I don't mean to be rude, but I didn't know he had a godmother," Melissa said.

"You've seen her around, its Seraphina Night. She's not hard to miss, she's got bright red hair and a Hale following her like a puppy," Claudia told her, laughing a little bit as if she said a small joke that nobody else in the room would get. Melissa's eyebrows lifted in surprise, there was only one person in Beacon Hills with hair that bright, most woman were jealous because her hair seemed so natural, but it was such an unusual color.

The paramedics decided to leave and were going to check on Stiles when Claudia said, "Oh, Sera's cousin is a doctor, she already called him to check on him," she said. She knew Adira was probably the one there checking on him psychically and mentally. She just decided to say it was Apollo checking in on him because why not. The god seemed to like her son anyway. Claudia hesitantly looked up the number for a neurologist, ready to make an appointment.

(A/N: THANK YOU FOR 1K FOLLOWERS! I decided to post early, but I am still having a few personal things to take care of and I don't need to be stressing myself over having to update. I do not know the next time I will update yet)

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