Chapter Eight

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Peter POV

The next morning I woke up and was very happy to find out this wasn't a dream, I had Seraphina still curled up in my side and she was slowly waking up too. "Hello Sera," I spoke up. Her head moved until she was looking up at me with her dark eyes, "Hello Peter," she countered.

"I would love to get some Argents outcasted from Beacon Hills," I said, mainly thinking of Kate and her father Gerard, I know he would be a problem, so would that one that's married in, but I don't want to take a mother away from her daughter unless she really becomes a problem, so I'll let it go for now. "Although I kinda just want to lay here," I added. I saw Sera smile, wow that is a beautiful smile, but then I heard three sets of small feet and soon the door was opened and we were tackled by three little girls. Crystal seemed hesitant but I pulled her into the hug and she quickly relaxed. I think she didn't think I would accept her, but I would have, just like Sera accepted Malia.

"Hi daddy!" Malia said. Guess we're not staying down today.

"Grandpa's making food," Crystal said. We both got up after that and made our way down where Kolby had been making food.

"So, plans for today?" Kolby said, looking at me, yeah I added Kolby and Crystal to the pack. That's how I knew Crystal was nervous to come to me.

"Well, I was planning to go to the police station and make the Argents outcasted and tell them that it was in fact Kate Argent with the help of Gerard Argent," I said. Crystal's head perked up and looked at her mom with a slight pout, "What about—"

"I will be back in time for it, I promise," Sera said. The two of us quickly ate and left to the police station, "What was Crystal going to ask?" I asked while we were in the car.

"Well, we started training with her, and Stiles would come over and join since Claudia's in no condition to do it, so we train with weapons and with powers, we usually do it around the afternoon cause Bobby would come and join since he's Stiles' brother," Sera explained, "Malia and Cora have been wanting to join, but we were waiting until Cora had no more smoke in her lungs, and Malia had gained a bit more weight. Cora has no more smoke, and Malia's close enough that I'm comfortable for her to stat but that's up to you."

"How young does a demigod usually start training?" I asked.

"With swords the youngest is usually a five year old, but not with actual swords because they are so big, but usually the first thing to figure out is what is there signature weapon. Mine is a Stygian Iron sword, but I don't bring that out around children because it is a dangerous weapon that only children of the Underworld can use, and while I'm a grandchild of the Underworld, I can still use it. Crystal seems to be leaning towards a dagger, but she can also use her ability as a weapon, and Stiles has been leaning towards a sword," Sera explained just as we pulled up outside the police station.

When we stepped out, some people nearby were looking at us in shock, or probably me, they know who I am, if somebody in town doesn't know what happened than I would assume they were just passing through, I grabbed Sera's hand making people look even more shocked and walked passed the people. We walked in and found Noah Stilinski who looked shocked to see me, "I would like to report who is responsible for my family's death," I stated and the station was quiet.

Noah took us to another room, more like I partially scared him into bringing my calm person who had taking care of my daughter and niece in with me. Apparently I scared him enough because another officer came in with. We sat down an explained, "The Argent family had not liked my family what so ever, so it rung alarm bells when my nephew Derek had started dating Kate Argent, he was blindly in love with her and started telling her secrets. The night of the fire, I woken up to the smell and screams, I looked out and saw Kate Argent throwing explosive bombs and who I knew was her father, Gerard Argent, was shooting family members. It was so bad and I knew a lot of people could not get out, all the exits to the house were barricaded. Some had to be put out of their misery because they were so burnt and they were choking. The last thing I remembered was Sera pulling me out to where she had found my niece, who had gotten out," I explained. I had been getting flashbacks and before my wolf came out in front of the human, Sera had grabbed my hand with hers and squeezed it.

Noah looked shocked by my story and put the report in, "If that report does not go out, I will spread around how difficult you made it for my niece to have a nice home, when you didn't care about who it was, you know, your son's godmother," I said and walked out holding out Sera's hand. I wanted to see the training.

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