Chapter Seventeen

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Third POV

Sera and Peter were sitting in a private spot at a restaurant, "Where do you have to go?" Peter had asked. Sera casted a privacy charm before she spoke, "I have a way to get to camp and back quickly. Adira and Claudia want to introduce Stiles and Isaac to the camp and Crystal can't handle the California summer heat very well. It's in New York," she said. Peter had noticeably tensed up, so Sera grabbed his hand, "Crystal knows how to Iris message, she will do it as certain times of the day so it doesn't happen in public and we'll get to talk to all of them," she explained. She knew Peter was protective over the pups, even if one of them was new to the pack. She also knew Peter was protective over Crystal, unofficially adopting her as his daughter.

"Why can't Adira, Bobby, or Claudia take them?" Peter asked, still a bit tensed.

"Adira can't because she's still going through Deaton's stuff and opening the vet back up. Bobby can't because of work, he can't suddenly leave yet. Claudia is because of her mental state, she doesn't want to attack a child on accident," Sera explained.


"My dad is helping me, I tend to do fire travel, but Crystal is understandably a bit scared to do it. While I can shadow travel I can't do it with three children," Sera explained.

Peter took another bite of his food, "How long will you be gone?" he asked.

"Not all day. It depends on if we run into a monster—which we can handle ourselves and will be just fine," Sera had to say quickly as Peter had tensed again. Kolby and Sera could travel into the camp, but it was Isaac and Stiles' first time, they should experience going through the entrance. "I say hello to Mr. D and play a few games of pinochle with him. I stop by to see Pollux and Castor, and I'm introducing Stiles to Luke," she continued, "There is a time difference between here and New York so I would have to leave early in the morning but I will be back," she promised.

"And the pups?"

"First thing August 31st, unless they get a quest, we can't control those," she said. Peter didn't like it, but knew Sera was right. The two finished there dinner and just talked about random things before heading home. The children had already been put to bed and Kolby was up doing work. Peter had to drag both Kolby and Sera (before she could start her own work) to their beds. He knew the two were naturally night owls and Kolby had at least developed insomnia, but he was making sure the two went to bed.

Kolby, who sometimes worked with Hephaestus to make new technology, especially technology that was monster proof, at times stayed awake for more than 48 hours. His record might have been a full week before he dropped. Kolby, when asked about it, partly blamed his daughter, who had been a baby at the time and had also inherited being a night owl. His work combined with a baby up all hours of night made Kolby not sleep for literally a week. He tended to test his products in the Underworld, testing them on hellhounds or Cerberus (with Hades' permission) and the empousai (with Hecate's permission) and would be stopped a lot in case a hellhound or empousai or whatever he caught the attention of decides to attack him. Normally Charon, Hades, Persephone, Hecate, his brother Thanatos, or his mother would stop him and ask how long he had been awake. Thanatos' twin Hypnos, when he would spot his brother, the father of his niece who has adopted his great granddaughter, would send him away, already knowing how much sleep the man had. He would do the same whenever his niece had shown up in the Underworld whether it was to bring Crystal to meet him or not. Sera's record had been four days before she dropped, and Peter knew that like Kolby, it would become a habit. He took advice from Hestia who knew both of their sleeping habits to at least have them stay in their rooms for the night and if they go to sleep, they go to sleep. She told him not to force them to sleep, Crystal, as a granddaughter of Morpheus and great granddaughter of Hypnos, had an aura that would make those around her sleepy if she lets the aura go. Whenever Kolby and Sera were up, they would be very quiet to try not to wake Crystal so she didn't direct her aura towards them intentionally.

Peter and Sera were relaxing on Sera's bed. The two hadn't officially moved into one room together yet, but Peter liked to stay by Sera's side and tended to sleep in there anyway. The couple were beginning to drip off to sleep as Crystal's aura was hitting them, when a pack bond started acting up. The two startled awake as Peter tried to see who it was, "I think it's Stiles, it's a semi-formed one," Peter said. Stiles only had a partially formed one because of his fox still being dormant. His bond had subconsciously not been fully formed because of his fox, but they could still tell when he was in danger. "Someone entered the ward," Sera said and heard panicked knocking. "Something dangerous just followed behind it," she added, jumping out of the bed, Peter following behind.

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