Chapter Fourteen

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Third POV

Stiles looked surprised at the mention of what they were planning, he had never really met the boy they were talking about, but he was already determined to become friends with the boy as soon as he met him.

Sera and Peter left the station and found a passed out drunk father of Isaac's. They looked sadly at the freezer they knew he was, they couldn't do anything to help the boy until the morning, if they helped him in any way it could take away the severity of the man's crimes. After making sure the man wouldn't wake up, they carried him to Deaton's house at night, and set up to make something similar to what had happened with the Hales.

Sera had put charms around the all the exits, using the blessing she got from Hecate and used it to prevent the druid from being able to get out of his house. Kolby kept them all in the shadows so nobody could spot them if somebody started walking around. Peter was planning the whole damn scenario while making sure the stinky human they brought with them stayed unconscious. He smelt drunk enough to believe that he had done something and he was to drunk to remember what he did.

Sera finally had shadow travelled into the house, and started a fire in the back room. Before any fire alarm could be set off, Peter smashed in a window with the fist of the drunk man's hand. The man still didn't wake, he was that drunk to not wake up when his ahnd gets broken.

Alan Deaton wakes to the sound of his fire alarms going off. He exits his room and was immediately hit with the smell of smoke; it was also filling the hallways. He ran downstairs to see the fire spreading in the back. He went run out of the house through the door, but it wouldn't open, he moved to the window, it wouldn't open. He started checking all the windows in the house as he couldn't reach the other door and he couldn't open any window, until he noticed a small charm. Someone set this up to prevent him from getting out of the house. Then he looked outside, there stood Peter Hale with an arm wrapped around Seraphina Night with her father Kolby Night next to them. The three of them giving a big smile and a wave, Sera's hand flickering with flames, and Peter's hand become a rude gesture at some point. Deaton desperately tried to find a phone, but he's been inhaling too much smoke and he's hyperventilating. He wants to know why nobody had called the fire department. He searched for phone only for them to not be working. Did those charms include not being able to use the phones? He kept running through the top floor of the house as the flames rose higher and higher, eventually falling through the floor and right into the fire. The last thing the trio heard of Deaton were his screams. "Satisfying," Peter comments before they left.

The police and fire department finally arrived seeing the mostly destroyed house, neighbors were coming out and looking confused as to why they didn't notice the commotion. It's not like a young daughter of Khione didn't know about the plan and prayed to her Grandpa Morpheus to send them all dreams to keep them asleep while Sera prayed to the god's father, her Uncle Hypnos, to assist him. Totally didn't happen. Not at all.

When the fire went out, Sheriff Stilinski looked around the property, one of the firefighters telling him something was in the back. There he found the man he was getting a warrant for. He pulled out his radio and said, "I don't care about the warrant, go to the Lahey house and find a young boy named Isaac, it looks like his father killed the vet. Keep this quiet, we don't need this ruining the boy's life. Don't call an ambulance unless he absolutely needs one."

Cop cars pulled up in front of the Lahey house and entered. The place was littered with trash and had a strong stench of alcohol. "Isaac!" the cops called. They repeatedly called the name until they heard banging. "Isaac!" they repeated and followed the sound of the banging and found a room that had a freezer in it. The two cops looked at the freezer in horror, "Do you have blankets?" one of them asked the other receiving a nod in return. "Isaac," one of them spoke again and they knew they heard banging from the locked freezer. They busted open the freezer to find a bruised, bloody, freezing boy and one of them went to find there blanket while the other pulled out his own radio, "We found him, he had been locked in the freezer, nothing like threatening other than potential hypothermia as far as we can tell, we will drive him there."

Isaac was wrapped up in a blanket and laid down in the back of the cop car. Melissa McCall was waiting outside the hospital for him. A blonde doctor was looking at the boy in shock before he left quickly, sending a message to his daughter before working on changing some papers.

The next morning, the news about the fire had spread across Beacon Hills. They mad eit clear it was an accident and the man had panicked. It was not related to the Hale fire as far as they knew. They kept quiet about Isaac and who his father was. Sera and Peter were allowed to visit the boy and found Adira sitting there with him. "Well, sometimes a god loses track of some of their children because they get very good at hiding. Isaac's mother was one of them, he's my nephew, Dad is changing some things before people look into the claim of me being his Aunt, hopefully I can take him," she says. Sera and Peter sat with the woman, and waited for the boy to wake up.

(A/N: Okay, before I update next time, I will be starting school again. Please stop asking for updates, there won't be as many for now because I will be concentrating on classes)

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