Chapter Fifteen

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Apollo had been looking into his newly found grandson when he looked into who his father was and made a certain discovery. He rushed out of his temple and ran towards where he hopes Ares would be. Thankfully the god was sparring around his temple, "Ares!" he called, getting his brother's attention. "What?" he grunted.

"Did you have a child with the last name Lahey?" Apollo asked, fully gaining the war god's attention. Ares paused and thought, "Yeah, but then I start to ignore my children who become aggressive little shits, why?"

"Because he repopulated," Apollo simply said.

Ares was now standing in front of him, "What. Did. He. Do?"

(Beacon Hills)

Isaac had woken up and was looking at the three adults with wide eyes, "Hey Isaac, my name is Adira, I'm your aunt," the blonde lady told him. She had a sunny personality to her, it reminded Isaac of his mother.

"This is Seraphina," she continued, pointing to the pretty redhead, "And Peter," she adds, now pointing to the man who had been keeping his distance from him.

Before anyone else could speak, Sheriff Stilinski had walked through the door, "Well, it seems Adira will be able to take you in, Isaac," he says, turning to Adira, "There will be check ins once he leaves here, to see how he's progressing and adjusting," he told her, giving a nod to the other two adults and leaving.

"Isaac," Sera spoke up, "Have you heard any stories about the Greek Gods?"

Isaac shyly nodded, he didn't know why, but he felt comfortable in the presence of the three. Unknown to him, Peter and Sera had seen new pack bonds form much to Adira's relief. She was worried the boy would be too scared to be around them. "Mommy liked to tell me stories, before she died," he muttered.

A blonde doctor walked in, Isaac feeling he same sunny presence, "Dad?" Adira whispered. "What?" Apollo whispered back.

"You can't just randomly show up in a hospital and be a doctor," Adira said.

"There's a thing called the Mist, it alters things," Sera said as if she was talking to a child. "Oh, shush you," Adira said playfully. They all heard a small giggle come from the little boy and they all smiled at him. The whole time Isaac had his body mostly hidden under the blanket since he woke up. He had felt he could trust them, but he just couldn't pull himself away from the blanket. He was also confused as to why Adira referenced somebody as 'Dad' when they look the same age.

"Well, Isaac, all we can say at the moment because we don't know who is listening in, as that they are real, the gods exist," Adira said very quietly. "Wow," Isaac said in awe.

"Yeah, now you and I are going to follow Sera and Peter back to their house once you get released, okay?"

Isaac nodded eagerly, and then Apollo spoke up, "Yeah, I did a thing, so..." the discharge papers appeared in the room, "I'll heal him," he adds.

"Are you Apollo?" Isaac asked, looking at the blonde male with wide eyes.

"Yes, yes I am," Apollo responded with a big grin.

"Cool," the boy responded, getting out of the bed. Peter had stepped out to make a phone call just as he was being discharged.

"Okay, do you mind if I come closer?" Peter spoke up, looking down at the boy who had been adjusting to walking. He had been trapped in the freezer for so long, and then in the cop car where he was laying, straight to a hospital bed. He wanted to walk. Isaac nodded, and Peter crouched down, "There will be at least four other children your age there, two are my daughter Malia and my niece Cora. You will also meet Crystal, she's Sera's adoptive child, and Sheriff Stilinski's son Stiles," Peter informed him.

"What is a Stiles?" the boy asked in confusion, making Sera laugh. He thinks Peter and Sera are together, because Peter's eyes brightened in happiness hearing the sound of the laughter. "It's a nickname, his name is too long to say," Sera said.

Peter turned around to look at his mate, "But why Stiles? He couldn't use some short form of his name?"

"That's why at times I call him Mischief, he couldn't pronounce his name, he still can't. He likes the name Stiles, so he uses that, Mischief just represents him because that's all he could say, and considering who is other parent is..." Sera trailed off. She wasn't going to accidently reveal Stiles wasn't the Sheriff's son.

Isaac finally got to his new home and saw the four children waiting patiently to meet him, well as patient as he thought they could be. They were incredibly fidgety, like they couldn't sit still for long, he had that same problem. "So resuming the conversation," Apollo starts.

"Is he here?" Bobby interrupted, stepping into the house.

"You can be quiet?" Stiles sassed from the couch.

"Wow," Crystal adds in shock.

"Shut it," Bobby responds, not raising his voice, seeing the boy in Adira's arms. Isaac was a bit startled because Peter's eyes were glowing red as he looked at another intimidating man that reminded him of his father, but not, who also had red eyes. "No disrespect, but what is Ares doing here?" Bobby asked.

"Well, long story short, Isaac," Apollo finally continued, getting the child's attention, "There is such things as demigods, your mother was actually my daughter, which is why Adira is your aunt, she's also my daughter. There is a camp for demigods, but it is always iffy on if somebody who is a legacy or at least a fourth god could get in, but then I found out Ares over there is also your grandfather," he revealed.

There was a bit of silence, "For the record, I do get children who are more aggressive then what I will put up with. Those children I tend to ignore, but I'm seeing my mistake and don't want a repeat. For that, I am sorry," the man in the leather jacket and red eyes, otherwise known as Ares, said. Isaac was surprised, so was the room, the War God apologized to him?

"Don't make it awkward now," Ares mutters, snapping everyone out of there shock.

"Anyway, so that means Isaac is half god and can for sure get into the camp, either sleeping in Ares or my cabin. It also means you can thankfully take the same amount of ambrosia and nectar as regular demigods," Apollo adds, handing him what looked like a lemon square. "You can only eat that amount for now, if you eat too much you burn up," Apollo warned.

Peter spoke up again, "Now, let's introduce everyone else..."

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