Chapter Nine

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Peter POV

Sera took me back to her house, "Okay, this is going to be athletic and power training. Everyone has come into their powers but the children have trouble with powers coming into their fighting randomly. So until they are more adjusted to their powers and applying it as a defense, and giving them a partner that can counter act that ability, we do power training first," Sera explained. We went around to the back of the house where an obstacle course was set up, "Is that a lava wall?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have one at camp. You've seen the difference between my fire and actual fire, right?" Sera asked. I nodded, I had seen her fire ability, and I wasn't scared of it. I was thankful that she had actually shown Cora and Malia the differences before she actually used the ability.

Stiles and Claudia had shown up with Bobby right behind them. Crystal looked ecstatic to see Sera had shown up. "Okay, Stiles with Bobby, practice athletics, and then strategy with your mom," Sera told Stiles. The boy nodded and left as I went to sit with Malia and Cora, "So you two have watched this before?" I asked the two.

"Yeah, Stiles also has been able to steal without anyone noticing, so don't get mad if Bobby or Stiles takes something, they give it back before they leave," Cora said. She had been warned before hand when she watched her first training session, knowing Stiles might steal from somebody more his size as his main target had been Crystal, although Sera thought their might've been a secondary reason that he would have done that.

I had seen the icy part of the grass appear, "Stop," he heard Sera say. "When Crystal arrived here, we were worried about her heat tolerance, so she had been blessed by Apollo so she would tolerate it a bit more. We want her to be able to defend herself in California or any other hot places, the frosty grass is to measure how long her ice starts to last," Kolby spoke up. He was heading towards the two Hermes children. Apparently Stiles could see in the dark, so they were training that ability.

Looking back at the icy grass, I saw it was disappearing. "Six minutes, not bad," Sera said. Crystal then made ice shards appear and practiced with those and practiced targets with the ice. Kolby was making the darkness appear and Stiles was given a different obstacle course. Once he had finished, Kolby had walked off with Crystal and Sera came and sat with me, "Where are they going?" I asked.

"Oh, with Crystal's grandfather being Morpheus, she can alter reality and make it seem like your sleep walking. We go for who would be less damaging power wise if something turns nightmarish," Sera explained.

"Kolby is the less likely?" Malia questioned in disbelief.

"Well Bobby is preoccupied, Claudia we don't want to try for obvious reasons, Stiles we don't know if it mess with his dormant fox, I would catch things on fire, you, Cora, or your dad could shift and act out, or have flashbacks. If my dad acts out it would be more like there was a mass black out at most. It also helped that the sun is going down," Sera explained. Yeah, it did make sense, "And you three can get a crack at the obstacle course now, if you want to do the lava wall, you don't have to, but it won't burn you badly, you'll feel heat and if some part of you sticks in it, it will burn but it was charmed to heal, which was why I said you don't have too," she said.

Malia and Cora ran for the obstacle course and Claudia was giving them the run down when Bobby came back over, "Spar?" he asked. Sera turned to me, "Don't panic or try to interfere, we are using are actual swords and they won't hurt us but I'm sure they'll hurt you," Sshe said. I nodded and switched between watching the sword fight and the pups running the obstacle course, eyes glowing, and big smiles on their faces. Iu jumped hearing the grunt and seeing a cloud of darkness through the trees before it disappeared and soon a guilty looking Crystal and a tired looking Kolby came back. By then, Sera had beat Bobby and was headed towards the duo, "I take it, it turned bad?" she asked.

Kolby nodded, "Attacked by the Kindly Ones, not a nice thing when you can't move," he mumbled.

"Sorry, I was thinking about them since that one attacked me," Crystal apologized. I could see she was getting a bit more emotionally unstable, I could feel it through the bond too, but the ice appearing around her was also a giveaway. Sera had pulled the child into her arms, "It's okay, you were practicing, you just need to be concentrated on what you're trying to show," I heard her mumble. Crystal had sunk into her embrace as the ice had disappeared and she headed inside, most likely having a head ache now. Stiles was also heading in after his strategy practicing, also looking like he was nursing a headache. "So what did you think?" Sera asked as Kolby was also heading inside, "I like it," I said.

Sera smiled and I spoke up again, "One thing though."


"I want to take you on a date," I asked and Sera gave me an even bigger smile. Guess she's for it.

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