Chapter Twenty Two

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*Ten minutes Prior*

Seraphina's eyes open when she heard the gasp of Peter's chest and found him immediately looking at the hopeful and warm fire Sera used to light the room and slowly he calmed down. "You can always find out where they went," Sera mumbled and Peter jolted in surprise.

"Did I wake you?" Peter whispered.

"Yes, but you had a nightmare about your family. I'm here to help you," Sera said, looking up at him.


"You immediately looked at the flame I left to remind you not all fire is bad," Sera pointed out.

Peter sighed and turned over, wrapping both of his arms around Sera, "Did they go to good places?" he asked.

"Uncle H has a soft spot for children unless they're child murderers because they unfortunately exist. The children have either gone on to Elysium or to be reborn. I believe most were sent to be reborn. Most of the adults also went to Elysium except for Talia who is dealing with a punishment for how she had treated you, but Uncle H also admitted that her offering to give you the Alpha Spirit to heal you helped her punishment so it's not as harsh as Laura's will be when she dies," Sera explained, "Alan Deaton has been stripped of any magic and Lady Hecate is dealing out his punishment."

"Good," Peter mumbled, getting sleepy again. He started to snooze off and Sera stayed awake to make sure he fell asleep peacefully. Just as she closed her eyes, she hears, "MOM! DAD!" and Crystal ran in to wake them up, "Claudia is in the hospital and she's going to kill Stiles!" the nine year old daughter of Khione screamed. Kolby peaked in, "They are in a hospital, I sent an owl to go look," he said, a bit panicked. Peter and Sera immediately got out of bed after that confirmation.

"Crystal, honey, I need you to stay here and relay the message to Cora and Malia when they wake up," Sera said, picking up the phone to call Adira.

"Adira, get ready, Claudia is going to attack Stiles and it won't be good," Sera spoke into the phone as Peter rushed her to the car. It was one of the times they hated having to keep up appearances, but were glad they had connections as Sera closed her eyes and concentrated, 'Apollo, Claudia will attack Stiles, can you please stop her?' she prayed and hoped he had been listening.

They hurried through the hospital and up to the receptionist, "Claudia Stilinski where is she?" Sera demanded.

"Sera, what're you doing here?" Noah spoke up.

"Where. Is. Your. Wife?" Sera practically growled out.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't—," the receptionist was cut off by Peter.

"I'm sure you don't get the situation here. Claudia is sick and has been hallucinating and trying to kill her son, which that dumbass has likely just left alone with her. Sera is his godmother and feels her godson is currently in danger, and now before she gets violent, would you tell her where her godson is?" Peter spoke up angrily.

"I really hate this hospital," Sera grumbled as Noah was still in shock and the receptionist was trying to find Claudia's number.

"Forget it, we'll find her ourselves," Peter growled out and discreetly took a big sniff for Stiles' scent and followed the slight bond.

"SECURITY!" Apollo screamed from down the hall and they all ran down there and found Apollo prying Claudia's hands off of Stiles' neck. Sera hurried over and heated her hands up and Claudia screeched, "ANOTHER MONSTER GET AWAY FROM ME!" Claudia screamed and Peter picked up a coughing Stiles and hurried him out and held the panicking nine year old. Peter could hear his compass going off and moved away as Claudia somehow got out of her bed and until Sera sucker punched her. Security finally ran in with Noah behind as Apollo helped Sera up, "You were fucking slow, she could've killed her son!" Sera yelled.

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