Chapter Twenty

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"It's a centaur!" Stiles yelled, "You must be Chiron!" he said and ran up to the centaur, "Hi I'm Stiles even though that's not my full name, I have trouble pronouncing my full name. Where am I staying? Am I staying with my half-siblings or my technically aunts and uncles? How's my schedule going to look? When can I go to the lava wall? How do you get your tail looking so smooth? How do you brush it? Where do you poop?" Stiles rambled, his last question looking the centaur right in the eyes. Sera, Kolby, and Dionysus were holding in laughter as Isaac and Crystal watched with wide eyes. Chiron just stared at the boy before looking up at the Nights, "Did you bring his medication?" he asked.

"Nope," both of them said, popping the p with big identical smiles on their faces.

"Have fun," Kolby said.

"Are the twins here?" Sera asked the amused god off to the side. Dionysus nodded and added, "So is that Hermes boy."

"Oooh, Luke? Are you talking about Luke? I wanna meet Luke!" Stiles bounced.

"I've been summoned," a boy sassed. A blonde boy walked over, "I'm Luke," he introduced.

"Have you met your dad and has he done the Star Wars quote?" Stiles asked, pointing at him.

"I have met him, and yes he did it," Luke responded, remembering the time Hermes scared him when he was seeing if Sera had been right about finding the godly parent in there domain. It had been around Christmas and Hermes apparently suspected he was coming and came with presents for Luke to take back with him for his siblings that were still there and a little something for unclaimed demigods.

Sera and Kolby took the group and walked farther in to the camp and showed them around, noticing some demigods looked at them scared. "Because some demigods are still judgmental and are scared around a son of Nyx and a daughter of someone who's supposed to be a virgin goddess even though I was created in her hearth just like Athena thinks her children!" Sera said, progressively louder, making others look away sheepishly.

"Okay, just so you boys know. There are a set of blonde twins with purple eyes. You haven't met them yet because they only visit for a little bit. They are Dionysus' twin boys and if you need to find Crystal, her and Sera both have rooms in there cabin," Kolby explained.

"Why don't you have a cabin?" Isaac asked.

"Because the major Gods, specifically Thunder Thighs thinks he's the shit and won't allow his two oldest siblings to have cabins. They don't care much for minor gods which is going to cost them if something happens because they won't let their children have a safe area to go to. If Apollo and my mother didn't get along with Khione and Hypnos, Morpheus' father, wasn't my father's half brother, who knows where Crystal would've ended up," Sera said.

"You might have to prove yourselves because some demigods won't bother with children of minor gods or legacies. Crystal caused a blizzard in her angry when she got bullied," Kolby added. The two boys looked at Crystal, who nodded shyly.

"Yeah, but the ones who aren't dicks enjoyed the snow because it lasted for a week. Apollo didn't melt it because he wanted the demigods to have some fun," Luke added.

"But stiles, you have to prove how smart you are to Athena children," Sera said.

"Ignore Annabeth, she's snotty," Luke said. The girl wasn't like she was when Thalia and he ran into her.

"Isaac, a lot of Ares children are bullies when they're younger. I can tell that while you take more after Apollo, you have fight skills in you. Ares even knows you know how to fight. Apollo children are more accepting, so I have a feeling you may be in there cabin more," Kolby told the other boy.

"Luke," Sera turned to him, "Do you remember what I said about Stiles' medication?"

"Only give it to him if the Hunters are here and give him the stronger one at night so he can sleep. Make sure Chiron doesn't know about it," the boy said. Sera nodded and handed him the bottle. Soon, Kolby and Sera were leaving after they spoke to Castor and Pollux.

The two boys entered the undetermined side of the Hermes cabin and settled in, hoping not for long. They were right, because coming that dinner time, as they sat at the Hermes table, waving to Crystal who sat with the twins, there were gasps. A lyre paired with a spear and helmet appeared above Isaacs head while a caduceus with a smaller owl appeared above Stiles'.

"Apollo, God of the Sun, Light, Healing, Disease, Plague, Music, Art, Poetry, Archery, Reason, Knowledge, Truth, and Prophecy. Ares, God of War and Violence. Presenting Isaac Lahey-Dawn, Legacies of Apollo and Ares," Chiron announced. Isaac stood up and looked between the welcoming Apollo table and the glaring Ares table. Remembering what he had been told about proving himself, he threw the meanest glare a six year could give and saw the ones that glared at him flinched back as the ones that didn't glare smirked and gave him a nod as he passed by the Ares table to get to the Apollo table.

"Hermes, God of Messengers, Travelers, Thieves, and Trickery. Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Civilization, Mathematics, Strategy, Defensive Warfare, Crafts, and the Arts. Presenting Mieczyslaw Stilinski, son of Hermes, legacy of Athena," Chiron announced.

"WHO TOLD YOU?!" Stiles yelled.

"I did," Dionysus replied with his can of Coke, "Problem?"

"Well, first off it means you do know my name. Second off, my mother shouldn't have told you. Third, IT'S STILES!" Stiles said, moving closer to Luke. His siblings were struggling to keep their laughter down while the Athena children, except one, were amused. Stiles, however, noticed, "Oh, are you Snottybeth? I bet you're Snottybeth! I've heard about you!" Stiles said with a big grin, that fell, "I don't like you already," he said to the offended girl. Then he turns back to the head table, "This is why you were warned to have me keep taking my medication. Athena and Hermes mixed with ADHD don't do, so tough luck for you Horsey," he finished and sat down, continuing to eat and then saw the looks. "What?" he questioned. His siblings shook there heads with big smiles on their faces and continued eating, while Castor and Pollux along with their father were laughing while Crystal was hiding her laughter.

"I know your laughing Crystal, I can see it!" Stiles teased setting off her laughter, while Stiles sat back down looking successful as Annabeth glared at her siblings for laughing.

(Please stop asking for updates. I am in college and need to focus on my work. Asking and demanding for updates stresses me out)

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