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Hey guys! For those of you who wanted to read the new and improved version of this story, the first chapter is up now! It's called The Girl Glader (Revised, updated and edited) so you will find it if you go to my profile. Only one chapter is up so far but I hope to get a new one updated soon. I have a bit more editing to do for it so, fingers crossed, it will be up within the next week or so.

If you do decide to read it, please, please, please let me know what you think of it! I'm really trying and would love some feedback. Also, let me know which version of y/n you prefer.

Okay, that's all I wanted to say. I hope you are all having an amazing day/night/whatever time of day it is for you! Stay tuned for updates!

The Girl Glader (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now