The Search for a Job

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All the Gladers came up to congratulate you on your victory. Newt and Alby come up to you and crush you in a bear hug. "Guys. Can't. Breathe." You croak out. "Sorry y/n." Newt says sheepishly. You laugh. "So what does this mean?" You ask. "Well, you will work in all the other jobs and we will see how you do with them and maybe you will become a Runner." Alby replies. "Okay. Where am I working tomorrow?" "You are working with Fry Pan in the kitchen tomorrow." Alby replies with a smile. He looks at his watch. "Okay. We should all head to bed. Newt, you want to see y/n to her hammock?" "Sure." He turns to walk away. "Newt. I need to see you before you go to bed." Alby says, stopping Newt in his tracks. "Okay." He looks at you. "Ready?" "Yeah." Minho comes up to you. "Good night, y/n. Remember anytime you want to race I'll race you. You know where to find me." He says with a smile. "Good night Minho." You reply with a smile. Newt walks with you to the Homestead and shows you your hammock. "Good night y/n. Get a good sleep. Big day tomorrow." He says softly once you climb into your hammock. As he is talking, you can feel yourself falling asleep because of his accent. Soon, you are fast asleep and Newt has pulled a blanket up to your chin.

You are in a room that is full of boys and you see yourself when you were young. You look to be about 8 years old. Beside you is a young boy who looks to be about 9. It takes you a moment to realize that the boy was Newt. The two of you were laughing over something you said. You get closer so you can hear the conversation. "So y/n. Pink or purple? Which colour do you prefer?" He asks. "Purple." You reply. Suddenly, a boy walks in. It was the boy from the other dream you had. The younger version of you looks surprised. "Thomas? What are you doing here?" "Y/n, I need you to come with me." The younger version of you looks at Newt, fear evident in your eyes. "It's okay. Go. I'll still be here when you get back." Newt promises. Thomas takes the younger version of you's hand and rugs her out of the room. "Thomas? What's going on?" "You just have some more testing you have to do." Thomas says. You step into another room. This room has massive containers full of some kind of clear liquid. "Y/n, can you please step into this container? Please cooperate and it will all be okay." Thomas says. You refuse. Suddenly, a man comes out of nowhere and injects a needle into you and you pass out. The man picks you up and puts her into the container. You blink and suddenly you are seeing everything through the eyes of the younger version of you. Suddenly, you feel like you are suffocating and realize you are drowning. You bang on the glass but nothing happens. Thomas stands infront of a machine and he is pressing buttons. You feel pain. A small amount at first then more and more. You thrash around the liquid but you can't get out. Then, everything starts going dark and you manage to scream one thing before everything going completely dark. You scream it out: "THOMAS!"

You wake up gasping for breath to someone shaking you. "Hey. Hey, y/n, you're okay. You're okay." A soothing voice says. You look up to see Newt sitting next to you. You hug him just so you could feel the comfort he gives you. He hugs you back softly. "You're okay now. It was just a nightmare." He says softly and you feel yourself calming down because of his voice. "It wasn't just a nightmare. It was a memory. And you were in it too." You say as you start sobbing. For the next few minutes Newt held you while you sobbed. The entire time you were muttering "We're only kids. How can you do this to us?" Newt held you in his arms until you fell back to sleep, not making a sound just comforting you.

You slept the rest of the night soundly. No more nightmares. Newt left in the early hours of the morning to go back to his room after making sure that you weren't having any more nightmares. You woke up before the sun rose the next morning. You were up before the Runners were awake. Since you couldn't sleep anymore, you decided to get up for the day. You head over to the Kitchen and start making lunches for the Runners. Minho comes up behind you which startles you. "Morning, y/n. Getting a head start on your job today?" He teases. "Minho! You Shuckface! You scared the klunk out of me!" You exclaim. He laughs. "So what are you doing?" He asks. "Making lunches for the Runners." You reply. "Oh. Thanks y/n." He says as he grabs a piece of meat and starts adding them to the sandwiches you were making. "Hey, so about becoming a Runner, I brought it up to Alby and he thinks that if today goes well, you can start training to become a Runner tomorrow." Minho tells you. "Oh, Minho! That's amazing! Thank you so much!" You jump up and down in excitement. "Woah there. You need to make sure that today goes well with Fry Pan." "Oh. Yeah. Sounds good." You smile. Both you and Minho knew that today would go fine. You couldn't wait for tomorrow.

You worked all day with Fry Pan in the Kitchen. You helped make breakfast and lunch and helped him wash the dishes and got them ready for dinner. Eventually, Fry Pan decided that there was nothing else you could do to help and he let you end for the day. You were walking around the Glade when you saw Alby by the Slicers. The memory of your first day in the Glade came back to you and you push it down, feeling nauseous. You walk up to him and ask him how everything is going. "Hey, Alby. How's it going?" You ask. He hears you and smiles. "Better now that you are here." He replies. "How was the Kitchen?" He asks. "They were fun. Fry Pan is so nice!" You answer. Suddenly, Winston comes out of the hut they were standing in front of. "Oh. Hey Alby. Y/n. How's it going?" He asks. "You cut yourself again didn't you?" Alby asks. "Yeah." Winston sighs. "Y/n. Can you walk with him to the Medjacks please? Just in case?" "Sure." As you walk over to the Medjack hut, Winston asks you about your day in the Kitchen. You tell him all about it. The two of you reach the Medjack hut and the Medjacks come out. "Really, Winston? You cut yourself again?" Clint sighs as Winston walks into the hut. "Y/n. Clint. Can you help me with his arm please? It's worse than normal." Jeff yells from in the hut. You run inside to find Winston's arm covered in blood. As Jeff holds Winston's arm down so you and Clint can stitch it up, you help Clint stitch up the arm. For some reason, everything came naturally to you. When you finish Clint and Jeff look at you. "Hey, great job today y/n. You were amazing! We couldn't have done this without you." Jeff says. "Yeah. Thanks. Now go enjoy the rest of your day before dinner comes around." Clint says. And that is exactly what you do.

Hey guys. Another chapter done. This chapter might not be as good as the others. I'm really sorry. It is currently 11 pm so I am tired when I am writing this but I hope you guys enjoyed. So, should y/n become a Runner but help the Medjacks on her days off? Or should she stay in the Glade? What do you think about the memories she gets as nightmares? Should she get more of those? What do you think? Thank you to everybody who comments and votes. It means a lot. I'm glad that you guys are enjoying this story. See you all in the next chapter! : )

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