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Hey, guys. I've been really swamped with school, and my life has been messed up and a lot has been going on in my life so I have decided to postpone any updates. At least until I get my life straightened out. I will update as soon as I get my life sorted out though, I promise. This will be the last update until then. I hope you guys are all staying safe and healthy. Make sure to do things that will keep you sane too! Thank you for sticking with me through this! If you guys are looking for some good reads, I recommend reading some of the books in my reading lists. They are great books written by great authors. Stay safe and I will see you when I get my life sorted out. Also, if you guys have any requests for a story you would like me to write once my life is straightened out, feel free to let me know in the comments or DM me your requests. Stay safe and healthy. Love you guys!

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