the Griever

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The next morning, Minho wakes you up early to start getting ready for the Maze. He showed you where the running gear was and he gave you a weapon just in case. You then went and helped him make lunches for the other Runners. Packing your bag, you and him stretch to start running. Just as the doors opened Newt came up and grabbed your hand. "Stay safe, y/n. Please?" "I will Newt. Thanks." He pulled you into a hug. "Are we going to stand around all day or are we going to get going?" Minho asked. "See you later Newt." You said as you ran after Minho. Minho showed you how to cut the ivy to mark where you have been. Eventually, you stopped to take a break. You look at the sky and see that the sun was almost at its highest peak. "We are going to turn around and run back to the Glade." "Okay." You turn around and start running back to the Glade. When you were close to the doors, you hear a clicking noise. "Shuck!" Minho exclaims suddenly. "What is it?" "It's a Griever." "Shuck!" You exclaim. "Okay. We need to be as quiet as possible." He continues running forward and makes sure to check his surroundings before going around any corners or anything. As you make a left-hand turn, the clicking and whirring noises comes from right behind you. You freeze. "Minho!" You whispershout. He turns around and his eyes widen. You turn and gasp. The Griever then starts to attack the two of you. You pull the knife Minho gave you earlier and slide under it stabbing it with the knife as you go. "Y/n!" Minho shouts. The Griever turns on you. You throw your knife and it hits it in the face and slide back under it. You grab Minho's hand and run. You wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. You were frightened and could barely breathe or focus. When you felt you were far enough from the Griever you slow to a walk and drop to your knees to catch your breath. Minho doesn't ask or make any remarks. He just picks you up and continues towards the Glade. When he got through the door Newt runs up to him. "What the shuck happened?" Minho puts you down and you continue to catch your breath. "Griever. On. The. Way. Back." You croak out and lay on your back. "Okay. Get her to the Medjacks to make sure she's okay. Finish what you need to do Minho and when she's done with the Medjacks, both of you come find me. We need to talk." Newt orders. "Good that." Minho grabs your arm softly to help you up and you stand up. He walks with you to the Medjack hut to make sure that you make it there okay. You feel very weak and terrified. When you get there you tell Minho that you got it from there and he walks off to the Map Room to record what you saw that day. When you walk into the hut, Jeff rushes to you immediately. "Y/n! Oh no! What happened? Where are you hurt?" He asks, checking for any injuries. "We ran into a Griever and Newt made me come here to make sure I was okay mentally." "A Griever? Oh gosh." He asks you a few questions to make sure that you are okay before he lets you out of the hut. You see Newt and Minho walking with Alby across the Glade and make a beeline for them. They walk into the Homestead hut and you follow. Before you reach them they walk into Newt's room and you stand at the door for a minute, listening to their conversation. "She's too unstable. She shouldn't go back out there. I can't lose her." You hear Newt say. "I hate to admit it but Newt's right, Minho. She shouldn't go back out if she's in the condition you say she's in. And we can't force her to go back out there." Alby agrees. "But you guys didn't see her out there! We need her out there!" Minho argues. "She will work with the Builders tomorrow." You walk into the room at this moment. "I don't want to work with the Builders tomorrow. I'm going back out to run. I need to do this! The Maze is calling to me. Besides, I'm fine." You interject. "Y/n, I'm not sure that's a good idea.." Newt argues. You turn to Alby. "Alby, you said that you can't force me to go back out there. What's the difference between forcing me to go out there and forcing me to stay in the Glade where I don't want to be? I want to go out there! I NEED to go back out there. Please, Alby?" You plead. "Fine. If you really want to go back out there you can but you have to be safe and if you run into another Griever, you are never going back out there. Good that?" "Good that! Oh, thank you Alby!" You exclaim. "Now let's go get some dinner. I'm starving!" Minho says. Alby smiles. He walks out of the room with Minho. You look at Newt. "You coming?" You ask. "Yeah. Yeah I'll be there in a minute. You go ahead." He says. "Okay. Don't take too long." You say with a frown. You walk out of the room and head to dinner with a little jump in your step.

Hey guys. Sorry that came out a little late. I'll try to get them out earlier. What do you think? Any requests? Any songs you want me to put in? I'm currently working on another fanfiction with Peter Parker/Spiderman so anyone who wants to read that is welcome to 🙃 I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next chapter.

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