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You follow him until you come face-to-face with a boy dark skin that looks to be about 16. "Hey Greenie! I'm Alby! Do you have a name?"
"If I do I can't remember." You mumble. "What is this place?"
Alby looks at Newt. "This is the Glade. Every month, supplies are sent up with another Greenie. Today that is you." You look around. Then turn back to look at Alby. "How long have you guys been here?"
"Two years." He replies. That was it. You turn around and run towards a forest you noticed earlier. "Hey, Greenie! Get back here!" Alby yells. You ignore him and sit under a tree and start to cry. Suddenly, you here a voice. "Hey, Greenie. How you doing? I know it's a lot to take in." You look up and see Newt. He sits down beside you. "Go away. I want to be alone." You say. "Hey, why don't we go and get you all settled in and you can have time to yourself. How does that sound?" He asks. You think about it.
"Okay." You nod and wipe your tears. Newt stands up and extends his hand to you. You take it and be pulls you up. You don't know why but Newt just makes you feel safe. He leads you to a building on the opposite side of the Glade. "Here you are. I'll let you get settled. I'll just be over by the gardens if you need anything." He turns to walk away. "Hey, Newt. Thank you." You say. He looks at you and smiles. "Anytime." He says and walks away. You look around and see a hammock in the corner of the room. You walk over to it and lay down. Eventually, darkness overtook you and you feel asleep.

Well, what did you think? I would love to hear some thoughts about what should happen. Let me know in the comments.
Why do you think y/n feels so at ease and safe with Newt? Let me know and please let me know how I'm doing.

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