Welcome To The Glade

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Darkness. That's all you see. Everywhere you look there is darkness. All of a sudden, you feel yourself being jurked upwards. As your eyes adjust to the dark you are finally able to see your surroundings. You seem to be in some kind of metal box. Suddenly, something falls and lands in front of you. You scream and back up into the corner. You are terrified so you try to think about a happy memory you have but you can't remember anything. Why can't I remember anything? I should at least be able to remember my name but I can't even remember that! What is wrong with me?! You think to yourself. Suddenly, the box stops then all you see is light. You put your arm infront of your face to shield your eyes from the sun. A boy with blond hair jumps into the box. "It's a girl!" You notice he has an accent when he says this. "Where am I?" You demand. He looks at you. "Let me get you out of this box and I'll explain everything. I promise." He says to you. He seems to really want to help me. You think. You go to take his hand. "What the shuck is taking so long? Get the Greenie out of the shucking box!" A voice exclaims. Scared, you pull your hand back. "Shuck it Gally! You bloody slinthead! You shucking scared her!" He looks at you. "It's alright love. That's Gally. He won't hurt you. None of them will." He extends his hand to you again. You take it this time and he pulls you to your feet. You sway on the spot. "Easy there. You are going to feel a little disoriented but that's fine. We all went through that too." He turns towards the other boys. "Can one of you shanks throw us down a rope?" A rope appears. You grab it and are immediately pulled up where many hands grab to help pull you out. When you stand up, you take a look around. There are large walls surrounding you. "I believe I made you a promise." You spin around and come face to face with the blonde boy. "Where are we?" You ask.
"Welcome to the Glade, Greenie. Do you have a name.?" He asks.
"I can't remember. Why can't I remember anything?" You feel yourself start to hyperventilate. You take a deep breath.
"It happened to all of us. You'll get your name back in a few days. Don't worry, they don't let you forget that."
"Who are you?" You ask him.
"Name's Newt, Greenie. Nice to meet you." He looks around. "Guess it's time you meet Alby. Follow me." He says and he turns around and starts walking away. Why does he make me feel so weird inside? I feel like I know him from somewhere.

So that's the end of the first chapter. What did you think? Please comment. I would love to hear what you think. Do you have any suggestions about what to add into this story? I'm open to suggestions. Tell me if you like the book so far and any way I can improve it.

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