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Y/n's POV
I woke up to somebody shaking me awake. I rolled over and groaned. I had a splitting headache. I looked to see who was shaking me and I see Alby standing over me. "C'mon Shank. You can't just sleep all day. There's work to be done!" He grumbles. I sighed. It was then that I realized that I was on a bed instead of a hammock. "How did I get here?" I asked Alby. "I don't know! Now stop asking questions! I have a splitting headache. Too much of Gally's drink last night. C'mon. You're going to go working in the Gardens today. Get ready and get some breakfast and head over to the Gardens." He said as he walked out the door. I sigh and start to get ready. I walk out the door and realise that I was in Newt's room. Confused, I walked down the stairs and headed for breakfast. The sun made my headache even worse but I decided to deal with it. "Hey, shank. How are you today?" I hear a voice ask. I turn to see Minho behind you. "Fine. I've got a splitting headache though." I replied. "Told you. Too much of Gally's drink last night." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and continued walking for breakfast. "Hey, I'm sorry. That wasn't right." He followed me to breakfast. I got some of Fry Pan's oatmeal. "Hey, Fry. How are you this morning?" I asked. "Good. Too much of Gally's drink last night and I think I stayed up way too late though." He replied. "Hey, Fry, can I get 2cups of coffee please? 1 for me and 1 for y/n here." Minho asked pointing at me. "Good that."Fry Pan replied.
A couple minutes later I was sitting at a table with Newt and Minho. "So, shank, where are you working today?" Minho asked. "The Gardens." I replied. "Cool. Guess I'll be showing you the ropes today." Newt said. I smiled inwardly. Spending the day with Newt? This day is going to be good. I just know it. I thought to myself. "Hey, y/n. What are you thinking in that mind of yours? You're just staring at nothing." Newt asked me. I blinked and looked at him. "How did I get into your room last night Newt? And where did you sleep if I slept in your bed?" "First question, I carried you into my room last night because I didn't want you to have to sleep with the other boys. I felt that since you are a girl and you barely know any of us, you should have your own room. And second question, I slept in the hammock that you slept in yesterday." Newt replied. Minho looked at a watch on his wrist. "I should probably go run. Big day for you today Greenie. Have fun." He said as he ran off. "I guess we should get going too." Newt said looking at me.

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