The Dream

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Bright lights; that's all you could see. Eventually, the lights went away and you looked around to see that you were in a room full of medical equipment. On one of the beds, there was a girl that looked to be about 14. You walked over to her bed to get a good look at her. You felt a faint recognition before realizing that the girl was you. You gasp. Just then, a boy who looked to be about 16 walked in along with two men. "Y/n it's time." They said. They came over and started setting the medical equipment up. "Thomas! Thomas please don't let them do this!" The other you screams. "I'm sorry, y/n but it's for the best." The other you starts thrashing around on the bed as the men tie your arms and feet to the table. "Thomas! Please!" You turn to the boy. "Don't just stand there! Help her!" You scream but the boy doesn't seem to hear you. The men eject something into the other you's arm and you relaxes. As she starts to black out the boy walks up to her and says sadly. "I'm sorry y/n. I love you sis." He then turns to the men and nods. They then pick the other you up and walk out of the room.

Thanks so much for your comments guys! You guys are amazing! What did you think of that chapter? Keep commenting and giving me suggestions. Should Teresa come into the picture or no? Are there any relationships you guys hope to see? Let me know. Love you guys!

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