You Spoke To Him?

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Y/n's POV

"What were you thinking Thomas?" I asked Thomas.
"I put us here. You said so yourself. I can't deal with that. What if they're controlling us and make me betray you guys again? I was trying to prevent that from happening."
"So you were trying to kill yourself?" He nodded. "Thomas, that's not the way we do it here. You need to talk to somebody about it. And you can't feel guilty for something that you did before the Maze. If you can't speak to Newt or Alby, you can always talk to me." I told him. I yawned. I was up late last night and the sun isn't even up yet. I didn't want to worry Newt by talking to Thomas so I came before everyone was up. Besides, I was still going to go out into the Maze today.
"Okay. I'll talk to someone then."
"Good. I have to go but I'll see you later."
"Okay. See you later." I got up and limped towards the Map Room. I finally got there and grabbed a dagger and a larger knife and tucked them into my waistband. I walked out of the Map Room and headed to the kitchen to grab some fresh strawberries. Shoving the strawberries into my mouth, I started making sandwiches to take running. I grabbed some apples and packed one of the sandwiches and an apple into my bag and started heading towards the North Door. When I got there, I started stretching which shot pain up my side. Eventually, the other Runners took their spots by the doors and Minho came up to me with Newt limping slightly behind him. "Where are you going?" Minho asked.
"I'm running. Just like I always do."
"No, you aren't. That shuck Greenie stabbed you last night. You aren't going today. Give yourself a couple days off before going back." Newt said. I shook my head.
"I can't. I go crazy in here. I'm a Runner. I'm supposed to run." I cried.
"I'm sorry y/n, but I agree with Newt. We need you here and we can't risk you getting hurt out in the Maze." Minho added. Knowing I wouldn't be able to change their minds, I sigh.
"Fine. But I'm going out tomorrow. No matter what." I tell them.
"We'll see." Minho mutters. I huff and turn away from them. I slowly limp away from them. It wasn't a big limp, just a small one that slowed me down a little.
"Y/n, wait." Newt calls after me. I keep walking. I head towards the Homestead and when I reach it, I walk up the stairs to Newt's room with him following slightly behind. "Y/n." He says when I walk through the door and shut it behind me. I slump against it. "Y/n, let me in." He begs. I can feel him rattling the door handle.
"Go away." I tell him.
"Y/n, let me in." I close my eyes and wince as he pounds on the door, sending even more pain through my side. Slowly, I get up and climb into the bed as he opens the door. "Y/n, come on. Don't be like that."
"You act like I'm fragile! But just because I'm hurt, doesn't mean that I can't do things! Besides, why should I care, when it's my fault it happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"I spoke to Thomas this morning," I tell him.
"You spoke to him? Y/n, what were you thinking?"
"I was thinking that he only wanted to speak to me so I was going to speak to him." I told him. "Anyway, when I spoke to him, he said that he was trying to prevent the possibility that he might betray us again. Like he did before the Maze. He heard me telling you that it's his fault we're here. So it's my fault."
"Y/n, don't think like that. It's not your fault."
"Well, it sure feels like it is." I mumble. Newt pulls me into a hug.
"It's not your fault. I'm sorry you think it is but it isn't."
"I'm scared, Newt. What's going to happen to Thomas?" I ask into his shoulder.
"We'll figure something out." He promised me, kissing my forehead. "Now, I have to get to work and you need to rest."
"Fine. See you later." He kissed my forehead again and smiled. He walked away and I looked around. What am I going to do today? I asked myself. Looking around, I decided to clean up the room a little bit. Once the room was clean, I moved on to the rest of the Homestead. It kept me busy for at least half of the day. Eventually, I finished so I decided to surprise Newt in the Gardens. I got some water for him from the Kitchen and headed for the Garden. Newt smiled when he saw me.
"Hey, hows it going?" I asked him, giving him a side hug.
"Good. We got a lot done so far."
"That's good! How much more do you have to do?"
"Well, I'll still be here for a bit. But Minho should be back soon."
"Yeah I know. What did you decide about Thomas?" I ask.
"We decided to let him out. Give him a second chance. He's out getting me some fertilizer in the Deadheads."
"Why'd you give him the Klunk job?" I tease. He smiled but it dropped as we hear a bloodcurdling scream from the Deadheads. "What the shuck was that?" I screeched.
"I don't know!" We look at each other as it dawns on us what it was.
"Thomas!" We shriek in unison.

Hey guys. I hope you are all staying safe. Sorry this chapter is so short. In times like these we need to stick together and I have really realized how much I take things for granted. I have been trying to spend more time with my family so I haven't been updating as much as I would like to. I will try to update more though. My city is starting to open up more and we are allowed to see people if we keep our social distancing so I'm really excited! I hope you guys like this chapter. I hit a bit of writers block writing it so it probably isn't the greatest. I will try to make the next one better. Stay safe and I will update as soon as possible. We will make it through this. Just hang in there! Thank you so much for almost 600 reads! You guys are awesome! Thank you for staying with me through this!
-Emily ❤️

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