The Run

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You run through the Maze following Minho all day. You keep thinking about the Griever from the day before. When the two of you stop for lunch, Minho notices your behavior. "Hey, you okay?" He asks you. "Hm? Yeah, I'm okay." You reply. You look around, looking for any sign of a Griever. Minho puts a hand on your arm. "Hey, listen to me. We won't run into another Griever. And even if we do, you won't get hurt. I promise." You stop looking around to look at him. "How can you say that?" "Because I am being extra careful today to make sure that we don't." He looks at his watch. "We should head back. It's getting late." He says, standing up. He offers you his hand and you take it. You pack everything up and head back to the Glade. The way back you don't run into any Grievers and when you get back to the Glade, you sigh in relief. "C'mon, we have to get to the Map Room before the other Runners get back." You nod and head to the Map Room.

A few minutes later, you are heading for the showers having just got out of the Map Room. Minho showed you how to map out your observations and everything else you needed to know about being a Runner. Then he left you to have the rest of the time before dinner to freshen up and rest. You shower and get changed. As you walk towards the Homestead, you bump into Winston. "Hey y/n. How was running today?" "It was tiring. I'm heading to the Homestead to rest for a bit." "Oh, I'm sorry. I'll let you go then. See you at dinner!" He says, walking away and waving. You continue your way to the Homestead. You reach your hammock, sigh and lie down on it. 10 seconds later, you are passed out cold. You dream but this time, it wasn't about the Grievers. This time, you dream about the other Gladers. You dream about Newt and Minho and Fry Pan.

Ten minutes later, you are woken up to somebody shaking you. Reluctantly, you roll over and open your eyes to see Newt standing over you. "Hey, y/n." he says, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear that was covering your face. "It's dinner time." "Hey Newt." you say, smiling. "If you you want me to come, you're going to have to drag me." you say, lifting your arms toward him. "I'll help you out of bed but you have to walk yourself." he says. "Fine." Newt pulls you out of the bed and stands you up. The two of you walk over to the Kitchen for dinner, laughing and joking.

The next few weeks, you finish training with Minho and start running by yourself. You never see another Griever which you were glad about. You had become close with Newt. He was your best friend in the Glade. You still had the feeling that you knew him before the Maze, but you couldn't be sure. You spent a lot of time with Minho too. He was your best friend after Newt. The three of you spent all of your free time with each other. Life in the Glade was getting much better. You weren't as scared anymore and you were focused on finding a way out of the Maze. Today was the day that the Box would bring up another Greenie. You were excited and couldn't wait to witness it. It was the first time you would see the Box come up. You wait with Newt by the hole the Box comes up in, waiting anxiously. When you hear the clanking of the Box, you starting jumping on your tiptoes. "Calm down there y/n." Newt says, grabbing your hand and laughing. "You're going to scare the Greenie with your excitement if you don't calm down." "Sorry. I'm just so excited!" You reply. When the Box arrives Newt let's go of your hand and opens it. You see the Greenie and stare down in shock. In the Box is your brother Thomas; the boy who put you in the Maze in the first place.

Hey guys. I'm so sorry that this came out sorta late... I hope you guys are safe with the Covid-19 going around ❤️ Stay safe. What did you guys think of this chapter? Let me know in the comments. Thank you to everybody who has stuck around. It means a lot to me. Stay safe out there and make sure to spend time with your family ♥️ Don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks!
-Emily ❤️

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