The Gardens

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You and Newt walk across the Glade to the Gardens together and on the way over you talk about the Bonfire. "So did you have fun?" He asks. "Yeah. But I have a splitting headache right now!" You exclaim. "Oh. You have too much of Gally's drink last night?" "Yeah." "Well, don't worry. Today, you are going to be going through the fruit on the trees and any of the ripe ones you are going to pick them and put them in this basket." He says, as you reach the Gardens. He hands you a basket. "If you need any help just call me over. I'll be back to check on you in a bit." He says. He walks away leaving you to your work.

Hours later, you are almost done for the day. You've had a lot of fun and all the boys were friendly. You were pretty good at the Gardens but you felt like you needed to do something in the Glade that was a bit more active. I feel too trapped here. You thought to yourself as you reached up to pick another ripe apple. "Hey Greenie. If you want to stop for today, you can. It's almost dinner time." Newt says behind you, pulling you out of your thoughts. You turn around and he takes the basket from you. "Great job today. You did great!" He says looking down at the basket. "Thanks, Newt." You say and turn to walk away. Newt watches you walk away before turning to hand the apples to Zart, the Keeper of the Track-hoes.

After walking away from Newt you decide to do something active. You head to the Homestead and grab a pair of shorts and a t-shirt that was sent up with you in the box. After putting them on, you head outside to stretch. Pretty soon, you could feel the wind flying through your hair as you jogged around the Glade. It felt amazing. Soon, you could see the Runners coming back from a day of running and you slowed to a walk. Not before Minho saw you though. "Hey Shank." He says behind you, startling you. "Minho! Oh my Goodness! I didn't see you there. You scared the klunk out of me!" You exclaim. "Nice job running. You've got a good pace." He says. "Oh. Um... Thanks." You say. "Well, I guess we'll have to see just how good you are. You and me. After dinner. I'll race you. All the Gladers can watch. Deal?" He asks extending his hand. You take it. "Deal." You say, shaking on it.

Another chapter done. So what do you guys think? Should y/n beat Minho in the race or just be slightly behind him? Let me know in the comments. What do you guys think of the story so far? Thank you to everybody who has been reading this. It means so much to me! Love you guys. Let me know anything you guys want to see in the comments. Your feedback helps me so much. Thank you!

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