Newt's POV

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Newt's POV

Y/n is amazing. I just met her yet I feel like without her, life is meaningless. Although, I would never admit that to her because I know that she doesn't feel the same. I don't know what it is but there's something about her that seems familiar but I can't put my finger on what it is. Her laugh is so pretty; it's enough to brighten up your day no matter how down you are feeling. I only met her today though so maybe it's just because she's the only girl in the Glade. I admire that she seems to be able to take care of herself.

We had a campfire for her like we do all the Greenies and she seemed to really enjoy herself. She started singing which is something that some of us haven't heard in a long time. None of us can remember any songs from our lives before the Maze. she has such a beautiful voice. It's like a violin or if the sunset and the stars were sounds. She finished singing and she started blushing. She's so cute when she blushes. Minho seems to be trying to make a move on her though and I don't want to lose a friend because of some girl but I can't help how I feel. She went to bed not long after, sleeping in a hammock but I still think that she should be able to have a room to herself instead of sharing with the boys so I carried her up to my room and am taking her hammock instead. Hopefully, she will be working in the gardens with me tomorrow.

Sorry guys this chapter is so short. But I will try to make them longer. Thank you so much to all the readers. Love you guys!

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