The Kiss

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Newt's POV
Y/n walks away with a little jump in her step. She is so cute. I wish she didn't want to go back into the Maze so much. I can't lose her like everyone else I've already lost. She means too much to me. She makes this place worth living in. I walk to dinner thinking about what I am going to do. I want to tell her how much she means to me. I see her laughing with Minho but her eyes don't seem to match her smile. I grab my dinner and walk over to Y/n and Minho.
"What's up guys?" I ask.
"Minho was just telling me a joke." Y/n replies. She smiles and bites her lip. God, I love it when she bites her lip. "So are you ready to go back out tomorrow?" I ask her.
"Yeah, I am. I can't wait to get back out there."
"You really liked it out there, huh?"
"Yeah. The Maze seems to call out to me. It feels like I was meant to be out there."
"Just stay safe out there okay? I mean it." I say. I look at Minho. "Keep her safe, shank. We need her around here."
"She's safe with me." Minho replies. "Now excuse me. I'm heading to bed. Good night." He says.
"Good night." Y/n replies.
"Good night, shank." I reply.
Minho walks away leaving y/n and I alone. We look at each other.
"Your smile is really pretty." I say and she blushes.
"You're just saying that." She says.
"No, I mean it."
"Thanks." She says, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm kind of tired too. I'm going to head to bed too. Good night." She walks away. Shuck! Why did I say that? I just ruined everything. I sigh and help Fry Pan clean up the rest of the dishes then head to bed.

Y/n's POV
I head to bed with a huge smile on my face. God, why did I walk away? Newt just told me I was pretty and I walked away. I have wanted to hear that ever since I arrived up in the Box. I should've told him how I feel about him. I will tell him tomorrow. I'm too tired tonight to do anything. I head to bed and fall asleep.

Start dream

You am running in the Maze behind Minho. You blink and suddenly it is dark out and Minho is nowhere to be seen. You realise that you are stuck in the Maze at night! Frantically, you look around try to find a place to hide. There's nowhere to go. Behind you, you hear a clicking noise. Realising it was a Griever, you run as fast as you can. The Griever catches up to you and it has suddenly knocked you to the ground and is standing over you. You scream and try to crawl away. You back up into a wall. There's nowhere you can go. You are going to die and you know it.

End Dream

You wake up gasping for air. It was just a nightmare. you tell yourself. You get up and get ready to go running. After making lunches for everyone, you meet up with Minho by the Map Room. "Morning," you say as you hand him his sandwich and an apple. He grunts in reply. The two of you walk into the room and grab all the essentials for running.
"You were up early this morning." Minho notes as you finish grabbing everything and you are now walking over to the Doors.
"Yeah, I didn't sleep the greatest last night." You reply.
"Dream about the Griever?"
"It'll go away."
You are now standing in front of the Door waiting for it to open. When they open, Minho runs in and you go to follow him when someone grabs your hand pulling you back. You look up to see Newt holding your hand. Before you know what he is doing, he pulls you in and kisses you. He pulls back and apologises.
"I'm sorry. I should have asked." He mumbles, embarrassed. You kiss him back and pull away.
"I like you Newt. But I have to go." You say, pulling away from him.
"Be safe and come back to me. I need you y/n." With that he let you go and you ran into the Maze.

Sorry guys this chapter was really late. I meant to publish it last night but it was late and I forgot. I hope you liked it. Thanks for sticking with me through this. I've been really busy with school and I'm writing another fanfiction too. For those of you that like Marvel movies you should read it. If you guys have any other stories you want me to write just let me know in the comments and I will try my best. Thanks again guys! ❤️

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