Anger, Shock and Truths

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"Thomas." you breathe when you see your brother in the Box.
"Wait, you know who he is?" Newt asks from beside you, turning to you in shock.
"It-I-I need to go." you say. "Excuse me." you push past the other Gladers and make your way to the Deadheads.
"Y/n!" you vaguely hear Newt call. "Y/n, please talk to us." You sit next to a tree and focus on slowing your breathing down. You hadn't reakised how much your pulse quickened when you saw Thomas in that box. You look at the watch on your wrist and seeing that it was only mid-day, you decide to run the Maze. Shakily, you stand up and make your way to the Maze door and enter them. You felt angry. Angry at Thomas, for helping to put you all in this place to begin with. Angry at the people who put you here and for sending Thomas up in the Box. Most of all, you were angry at yourself, for believing that everything could be okay. That life was easy. For trusting anyone. What if they betray me like Thomas did? you think to yourself as you run. At the same time, you felt shocked. Why did they send him up here if he was working with them? you wondered. In the distance you hear Newt call your name. "Y/n! Where are you?" You look at your watch and realise that if you don;t turn around now, you will get stuck in the Maze overnight. You turn around and head back to the Glade. You make it back just as the doors close. Immediately, you run straight to the Homestead to avoid as many people as possible. Unfortunately, you run into Chuck, a chubby little boy with a pile of brown curls on his head. You didn;t know him too well because you were always so busy with running that you never took the time to formally introduce yourself.
"Y/n? Are you all right?" he asks. You shake your head.
"No, I'm not all right. Please don't tell anyone you saw me. Promise?"
"I promise. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." he extends his hand. "I'm Chuck. It's nice to meet you."
"Hi, Chuck. Nice to meet you too. Thank you." you say pulling him into a hug before grabbing clothes and dashing to the showers.

After spending some time in the showers, you realise that Thomas wouldn't remember anything that he did to you so you couldn't take it out on him. Still, you couldn't help but be angry at him. You sigh as you step out of the showers and run into Newt.
"Y/n? Oh, thanks goodness I found you!" he says, pulling you into a hug. He leans back to look at you. "Are you okay? What happened?"
"I just-I just needed time to myself. To think." you say, as you head back to the Homestead with Newt close behind.
"How did you know the Greenie?" Newt asks, catching up with you.
"I had a dream, and he was in them. He did this to us, Newt. He put us in here."
"That may be, but who we were before the Maze, don't exist. You need to forget what he did or it will ruin you."
"It's hard to forget. Especially the betrayal I feel right now."
"Betrayal?" Newt asks, turning to face you, since you reached the Homestead.
"He's my brother, Newt, and he watched as they put me in here. He watched as I begged for him to help me." The two of you hear a thud and turn to see Thomas standing by them, eavesdropping.
"What are you doing?" you demand.
"Uh. Um, I was looking for you, actually. I was hoping to talk to you." Thomas responded.
"I'll let you two have some space." Newt says nervously. He pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear. "Rmemeber, no harm. I'll see you at dinner." With that, he walks off, leaving you and Thomas alone.
"So what did you want to talk to me about?" you ask, heading to your hammock to put your clothes away.
"Um. Well, when I came up in the Box the only thing I thought was 'Find y/n. I have to find y/n.' I was wondering if you could shed some light onto that?"
"Well, you are my brother and-" you stop youself.
"And what?" Thomas asks. And you're the reason we are all in this hell hole. you want to say.
"And siblings are supposed to care for each other. Your subconcience must have remembered that you had a sister and wanted to make sure I was okay."
"And I was who you were talking about earlier? I'm the reason we are all here, aren't I? That's the reason you hate me? I put you in here,"
"Uh. Yeah, sort of. I mean it's more complicated than that, but we won't get into that right now. We have dinner then a bonfire in your honor."
"The bonfire shouldn't be in my honor. I don't deserve it."
"Hey. Who you were before the Maze doesn't matter, okay? What matters is how you fix your mistakes right now." you say. You surprised yourself with how genuine you were being. "Let's go have dinner and enjoy that bonfire. It'll be fun. Trust me."
"Okay." he says as you take his hand and pull him towards the kitchen.

Hey guys. This was a shorter chapter. I'm sorry. I hope you guys are well. Stay safe and healthy. Thank you for your patience while I was unable to update. What did you guys think? Did you like this chapter? Should Teresa come in the picture or no? Leave your answer in the comments. Make sure to comment. Your comments mean a lot. Thanks guys! You are awesome! Love you guys.
-Emily ❤️

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