Meeting Winston

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You wake from the dream with a jolt. That's my name! You think to yourself. I'm y/n! You can't wait to tell Newt. You stand up and run out of the room you are in and slam into a boy who looks to be about 17. He also had weird eyebrows. "Hey, what are you doing Greenie?" He asks. "I'm going to see Newt." You reply cooly and walk around him. You scan the area until you see Newt by the gardens. You run over to him. "Newt!" You yell. "Hey, Greenie. Wh-" You cut him off. "Y/n." You exclaim. "What?" He asks, clearly confused. "Y/n. That's my name!" You exclaim. "Well, y/n, it's nice to meet you. We should go talk to Alby so he can get you ready for tonight." "What's tonight?" You ask. "I'll let Alby explain." With that he turns around and walks towards a shack on the other side of the Glade. You follow him. Outside, there are a few pigs playing and eating. You follow Newt inside. "Alby! Are you in here?" He calls. "Hey Newt. What's up?" Alby asks from behind the two of you causing you both to jump. "The Greenie here just remembered her name." Newt replies. "Oh, yeah? Well, what is it?" "Y/n." You reply. "Well, y/n. Are you ready for the tour before tonight's bonfire?" "Wait. Bonfire? I didn't know there was a bonfire." "Yeah, every month when a new Greenie comes up in the box, we have a bonfire to celebrate them." Just then, a boy with an acne-covered face pops his head out from another room. "Hey, Alby. We're ready for you." He says. He notices you. "Oh, hey Greenie! I'm Winston." He says, extending his hand to you. "Y/n." You say. "Wow! You remember your name already! That was quick!" Alby clears his throat. "I believe you said you were ready?" He said. "Oh. Right. Y/n you should come too. You are going to want to see this." You start to follow Alby and Winston but you notice Newt was staying back. You turn to him. "Aren't you coming?" You ask. "No, I've got work to do." He turns around and walks out. You turn and follow Alby and Winston.

In the other room there is a pen with a pig in it. "Ready?" Winston asks. You hesitate but then nod. "Alby, if you would." Alby grabs a knife off a table behind him and hands it to Winston. He then grabs the pig so it can't move. At that moment, you realize what they are about to do and you look at the boys in horror. "I can't watch this." You say and you turn on your heel and run out of the room. Behind you, you can hear the pig squeal. You feel like you are about to faint. The fresh air on your face made you feel a little better, bit you still felt like you were going to pass out. "Easy there Greenie. You look like you are about to pass out." A voice says behind you. You feel a comforting hand on your arm. "Why don't you sit down for a minute?" You look up to see an Asian Boy with dark hair looking at you, concerned. "What's got you looking so sick?" He asks. "I just met Winston. He and Alby were about to-" "Ah. Good old Winston. Making all the Greenies feel sick." Just then Alby comes out of the shack. "Hey, Minho, you shank. How was running today?" "Oh, you know. Same old, same old." He replied. Alby turns to you. "So Greenie, you ready for the Tour?" "I guess." You look at the Asian Boy. "I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name." "Minho. And you are?" "Y/n" you reply. "Well nice to meet ya shank. See you around." He says as he walks off.

What do you guys think? Should y/n become a runner and spend time with Minho? Or should she stay in the Glade with Newt? Let me know in the comments. Love you guys!

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