Chapter 9

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Sarah POV

It was the most beautiful dream ever! I wish it never had to end,
I am so comfortable right now...this pillow feels so hard yet so good, 
I don't want to open my eyes, maybe the pillow will disappear after I do…

So I pull it closer and hug tighter. But the pillow started vibrating like it's laughing at me. So I decided to open my eyes…

Oh my god!!! It wasn't a dream, I did all that last night!!! 

Now this is embarrassing. Who the hell sleeps with their kidnapper? but then again he is hot as hell! 


Think Sarah! What do you say?? 

Oops! It's a mistake, can you take me home now?

 What do you say to the guy that rocked your world?

 Don't look up!! Don't look up!! 

But the vibration starts getting more and more then he starts to laugh! 

Like what the hell?? 

So i peek under my latches and oh my god is he laughing at me? He is!! I sat up... 

"Why are you laughing?"

"Well Good morning to you too baby"

"That is not what I asked!" 

"Hmmm somebody is grumpy in the morning!"

Then he laughs again.

The nerve of the man!

What is the matter with him?????

"So baby how are you feeling this morning?" 

I blushed, how to answer that? 

Should I say...hmmm... 
Ohhhh Kade darling i am sore but it's worth it cause you rocked my world?

But guess what? he started laughing again!


Well that got his attention cause he became very serious.

"I have something to tell you Sarah"

Ok is he going to do something or say something to make me want to punch him?

He what the hell is the matter with him??

He must be going mad right?

"Sarah! Sarah"...oh no I was so lost in my thoughts i didn't hear him call me.

"Ok tell me..."

"Well you see I can hear you..."

"Yes you can hear me kade, I am right here!"

Is he crazy?

"I can hear your thoughts Sarah"

I looked at him wide-eyed…

"No you can't hear my thoughts!"

" yes i can"

"Well tell me what I was thinking?"

"Are you sure?" He asked with a smirk.


Then he started telling me what I was thinking. By the time he finished I wanted the ground to swallow me, I was red as a tomato.

"But how can you hear my thoughts?
What are you?" I started inching away from him but he held the sheets so I couldn't go very far.

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Yes!!!! Tell me!!"

"I am a werewolf"

Well now was my turn to laugh…

"werewolves aren't real!!!! No! No!, you cannot be a werewolf!"

"I am most definitely a werewolf and i am the king of werewolf"

"You are what?"

"I am the king..."

Did he just say king? Oh my this is just some silly joke, my kidnapper is the king of werewolf, they don't exist!They are just fantasy right?

"We are most definitely real Sarah" 

By then I was breathing so hard panicking till I started seeing black dots and passed out.


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