Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Sarah POV


I feel like I was dreaming the most intoxicating smell hit my nose, gosh it smells so good hmmm like chocolate and something else that I cannot figure out.

I feel something on my forehead but by the time i become aware of things around me it was like i dream it all up but gosh that smell it makes me feel like a really soft blanket is surrounding me. That I want to hold forever.

With sleep out of my eye now I decided to think of a way to get out of the room. I wonder when the person that put me here will come like how they do in movies but thinking about my situation it seems that whoever put me in this room has no intention of hurting me right? Or else they would have come already and do something also the room looks like it was set up for someone special. So with that in mind I try to remain positive at least I am not hurt so I sat on the bed and turned on the television that was mounted on the wall.

There was this handsome man who was talking to someone but I was so focused on him that I did not even hear the conversation that they were having. It's like I am drawn to him.

I got up and went close to the tv and touched it. God I wish I could touch him for real he was like every girl fantasy. I went back to bed and continued watching him till I fell asleep. 


Two weeks after..


It's been so long since I have been in this room that I think I am going crazy. In the morning there is food waiting for me and there is food prepared for the rest of the day. I guess when I am asleep that is when all this is done.

So far on the television it's all about the handsome man. I learnt that his namè is Kade and he is the king.

Gosh was i wrong to think he could be mine when he was a king.

I have been trying to get out of this room taking knives and trying to open the door till I give up. I guess whoever put me here wants me to stay but I can not for the life of me figure out why.

Anyway tonight I have a plan to sleep and see who is coming to put the food. It's almost night so I prepared for bed and then went and lay down, turning off the light and leaving the room door open.

After about one hour I heard a noise. I quickly got out of bed trying not to make a sound.
When I got to the kitchen there was a woman who looked the same age as me. She had her back toward me, before I could get close she turned around and we both froze. 

I was the first to speak 
"Who the hell are you??" 

She looks like she is ignoring me then looks into my eyes and says...

"hello my name is Tasha, please do not be scared i am just here to tidy up and prepare your food" 

I looked at her and then started firing questions 
"where am i?" Why am I here?? I wanna go home!!! I scream the last bits.

She looked panicked 
"calm down miss, as to where you are i cannot tell you, and why you're here that is not my place to tell you that either '' just relax ok??

"Relax!!! You expect me to relax!!! How the hell am I going to relax when I do not know where the hell I am and why I am here!!!! Please help me get out of here my family must wonder where i am!! I started crying. 

She came towards me and then hugged me. It was so unexpected that I started crying harder. 

"Please!! You have to help me!! I wanna get out of here, I am losing my mind!!"...

She just says quite and rub my back then i pull away from her, looking her in the face she looked sad.. 
"i am so sorry but i cannot help you, i wish i could but please know everything will be ok and you will have an explaination soon."

I was thinking that she looks as helpless as me and atleast no body has hurt me so far. 

One week after 

I learnt that Tasha was a maid and we became good friends today i was showing her some of the food from my home town we were cooking together.

Tasha said that someone is going to come visit me today and make everything clear so here we are, after we finish i insist that Tasha took some that we made and she did with a smile on the face she gived me a big hug and someone open the door for her and she left before you asked i did try to get away when Tasha was leaving but she said that someone is always the door and she will be the only one to come in and go out so that is out.

I decided to go and take a shower and then choose something to wear the closet is every girl dream with everything that you can think of so i took a shower and dress and go sit on the couch and wait for my so call visitor.

It feels like about half an hour when i hear the door making noise so i got up and turn around.
My eyes get wide when i see who is at the door i have been watching him for weeks on the television now he is here in the flesh. 

I think i am in shock cause i am left standing watching him as he gets closer to me.

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