Chapter 3

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"Hey honey. How was work today?" My dad asked me, as I opened walked inside.

"It was.. Okay." I replied. My voice hesitant.

"Is everything alright? Did anything happen at work that made you upset?" My dad questioned. His eyes filled with concern.

"I just met someone new today.." I trailed. My dad smiled.

"And, is this someone, a boy? C'mon tell daddy!" He teased, childishly. I rolled my eyes, my face breaking into a smile.

"Yes, daddy. He is a boy." I mocked him. He playfully glared at me. "It's Zayn." He froze. His gaze held mine, the amusement was gone.

"I want you to stay away from him. Listen to me, Darcy, he's trouble. I don't want you to be influenced by him." His voice firm. Before I could interrupt, he continued. "Zayn has a bad reputation, and I don't want you to get hurt. Understood?" I pressed my lips together, forming a thin, straight line and noded.

I twirled around, and made my way up the steps.

"I'll be in my room!" I yelled, as I slipped into my bedroom. I sighed as I removed my clothing, and crawled into my covers. My head was spinning with unanswered questions. My eyelashes fluttered, as I drifted to sleep..

Fingertips lightly brushed against my cheek. I groaned, batting the hand away. I glanced at the clock, 1:36AM. I turned glanced up, at the person who had me resting on their chest.

My lips parted. I was taken back. There he laid, beside me. Zayn. The dim light, of my princess lights, illumined his figure.

"What are you doing here? You can't be in here. My dad said, you're a bad influence, and I don't want to get into any serious trouble." I harshly whispered.

His hazel eyes, glistened. His face was written with hurt.. And, anger.

"You believe him.. You're just like the rest of them.. Easy to judge, and don't take the time to actually try to know the truth." He snapped.

"So, you're saying my dad is a liar? And why shouldn't I?" I insisted.

"Because all those things they say, are lies. I promise you, they are lies. I am not a bad influence. Everyone just takes my actions the wrong way." He groaned, sending a low vibration through my body. "No one understands.." He whispered, sliding me off him, and beginning to climb off my bed.

"No." He twisted his body towards me, slightly glancing at me. "You're not going to walk away like you always do, leaving me hanging."

"Who said, so?" He remarked. I climbed off my bed, stopping before him.

"I said, so." He was about to continue walking when I prevented him. "I'm not like the rest. I want to know you. I don't want you to be a mystery to me anymore." He leaned in, his hot breath tickling my neck.

"Quite a brave act of yours. What if the rest were right, and I am a bad influence. What if I am, someone who should be feared?" He insisted, seductively. His arms wrapped around my waist. "Are you sure, you want to know my secret?"

He breathed on me. His hazel eyes burning into mine. His pink lips held a twisted smirk. My knees felt weak as he held me in his arms, staring down at me.

But,.. Am I ready to know his secret? Am I ready to know the truth?

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