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It's pathetic and saddening seeing someone lost so far within their thoughts, mind and their own wicked self - they don't notice the truth.

My eyelashes flicker as my eyes slowly open. I don't know if I can keep up with this body any longer. A groan left my lips.

I lift my bundled wrists in order to shed the bright light upon me. My arms were harshly removed from my face and set by my sides. The brightness was shed, and a face greeted mine.

"Remember how you challenged me to torture you in any way I pleased, and you wouldn't do a thing because you don't care?" Her nude fuchsia lips widened into a smile. She giggled a bit realizing with the handkerchief tied upon my mouth, I was prevented from speaking.

"Anyways, I decided to take upon your challenge. And, even if I can't touch you," She shifted and dimmed the light. By my opposing wall, was a rocking chair. Strapped to the rocking chair, was Annabelle.

"I can harm her. Yesterday, while I endlessly thought of links between you two, I figured one must be the weakling. I primarily thought you were it because, her attitude was much more encouraging. Then, I realized why she was so sure in your own strength. You're merely stable and contain the dominant powers. Meaning, you supply your little shewolf. Targeting your weakness, eliminates the strength, right?" Lindsey bounced upon her feet as she rumbled about her discovery.

Lindsey was right, I was more stable and dominant than Annabelle, yet she had her strengths and stability. Lindsey would have to learn the harsh way, on underestimating Annabelle.



Her laughter chimed as Daniel and I interchanged glances. We weren't alarmed or worried about Lindsey's experiments and theories on us. I won't deny she is right on aspects, but she has underestimated me. And doing so, won't suit her well. Daniel himself has felt and seen my dislike in being underestimated.

"Okay, lovebirds, are you too done trying to act as if you could speak telepathically? Or even through your distressed eyes?" Annoyance mocked her voice. She unintentionally makes this so much easier for us.

"So, you would like to ignore me?" Her voice chimed higher. Her irises tinted to a cherrywood brown and her fuchsia lips straightened into a thin line.

She pulled a chair, and sat before me. In her lap, sat a little box. As she opened it, the metallic lid ran last her thighs and scrapped against my knees.

I bit my inner cheek and lowered my gaze, catching sight of the box in all entirety. The box was crafted with metal daggers, bottled substances, scissors and other multiple sharpened tools.

"By reading your face, I'm guessing you don't like sharpened things," She glanced at Daniel and her lips twisted into a smirk. Daniel returned a glare that caused me to shiver.

"Why not, start with those? I've got plenty here. Which one should I start with? I'm being rude, aren't I? Here," She shifted the box, facing it towards me. "You choose."

Her dilated pupils challenged mine. My gaze roamed upon them, and decided to challenge myself.

"The daggers." My voice filled the abandoned room. Similar to the glowing light of the lamp, casting over us.

"Isn't that too, safe? " She mumbled to herself, observing them.

"Those are the ones, that have caused me the most pain." My voice softened at the end of my sentence. Her gaze danced upon my features. She was trying to confirm my honesty.

She set down her box on the floor and faced me, once again. Her bony fingers gripped the blade of the dagger. She added more pressure, and soon the sickening scent of blood filled my air. I grimaced and breathed deeply.

She took a hold of my fisted hands and turned them, revealing my wrists. The turn caused a painful itching from the tight rope, and her nails gripped me tighter.

She balanced the dagger delicately upon her palm and gripped it with her left hand. Her sudden engagement of talking startled me, and caused me more aching pain upon my arms,

"After figuring the pair of you two out, I decided I should come up with a plan, when I fulfilled capturing you both. If I be sincere, I would've gladly chosen to dice you up, at the hospital and package you up to lover boy," her eyebrow hitched signaling her lost in thoughts.

"Yes, I am so cruel and brutal." She whispered. "But, I decided not to. What makes a much more entertaining show, than a slow painful death? Slow deaths are the ones you can truly savor. Hence, you both will enjoy a slow death. Oh wait, you won't enjoy it. I will."

Her fingers hung onto the blade as it began to draw a thick line upon my right wrist.

"Maybe, I'll make yours quicker." She held onto my left arm and did the same.

She searched through her box and pulled out a bottle. Her irises were no longer seen, by the complete growth of her pupil.

She stood and walked over to Daniel. She twisted off the top and slid the handkerchief aside.

"I recommend you open up. Oh and, you'll just feel a little burn." She tipped the bottle, the liquid running through his parted lips.

She quickly wrapped his handkerchief around his lips. She set down her bottle and took a glance at us.

There was a sudden change in her movements. Remorse and disappointment laced her features, when before she was amused and delighted.

"I guess, I should be a bit nicer." She paced over to me and grabbed the dagger, and slid it upright, making the tight rope around my wrists fall to the floor. She headed towards Daniel and did the same.

She gazed upon us, and began to walk away. Her footsteps climbing up the stairs. Her unheard chimed laughter, still seemed to roam the room.

My legs wobbled a bit as I stood. Just because of the lost of blood, I figured. I headed towards Daniel and fell to my knees. I quickly removed the handkerchief. My tiny hands repeatedly pounded on his chest, realizing she had given him poison. Daniel was equipped to resist intoxication, but the body wasn't.

His breaths were shallow, and his eyelashes flickered. I helped him stand, and I lead the way out of this home, and towards my father.


a.n //

I haven't updated in a very long time and I'm so sorry, but I hope this chapter will make it up! No cliff hangers, but tragedy! (Sorry about that)

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and would give me a vote and maybe a comment?

Thank you, and don't forget;

Stay Addicted

- d.v

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