Chapter 5

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He held me in his arms, trailing us, back to my bed. His lips pressed against mine, lightly moving. His lips clamped upon mine, taking them slowly in his mouth. My lips moved against them. I wrapped my arms around his neck, gently. I closed my eyes, saturated in the moment. My hands snaked through the back of his head, feeling the baby hairs.

He pulled away. I bit my lip, as his gaze slowly met mine. His eyes were an irresistible shade of carmel. His features, had grown simple.

I finally got it. I finally got the hints.

He's scared. Always has been. He's still that littel boy, whose trying to find love. Whose trying to feel love.

"Zayn,.." I began, my voice soft. "Who hurt you, first?" His eyes were outlined by tears. He took my hands in his, twiddling with my fingers. He avoided meeting my gaze, and took in a shaky breath.

"My mother." His voice cracked. I let out a gasp. His lips began to tremble. "I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what was happening. The first couple times, I was clueless, but soon I got what she was doing.. And, I couldn't let her continue. I couldn't." He spoke, his voice fading.

I held his hands tightly. I grew frightened.

"Did you ever tell someone? How long did she hurt you? What did she do to you? .. What happened to her?" The questions stumbled out of my mouth. I asked quietly.

He turned toward me. His eyes meeting mine again. His eyes.. Held.. Something I can't explain. A shiver dragged down my skin, causing goosebumps.

"I did, what she did to me.. I hurt her.. Deeply. I made her cry and bleed, like she made me.." His gaze was straight ahead.

I swallowed, hard. I loosened my grip on his hand, and tightly shut my eyes.

I'm afraid.

~ * ~

I know it's really short, but it will be worth it! Can't give out too many hints! x

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