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"What are we supposed to do now?" I spoke, barely audible.

"You need to save your energies." My father's voice was harsh and demanding.

Daniel's hand slid near mine, and his fingertips traced lightly my palm. I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. The silence between us, could be felt like a pressure about to make us crumble.

I turned to Daniel, my face leaning on the pillow. I inhaled the fresh scent of cotton and felt my eyes flutter. But I was disrupted when a hand took a harsh grip on my shoulder.

"Annabelle, you cannot rest. If you fall asleep, you'll be falling right into the trap. Sleep will be your death." His voice sounded distant. I could've easily fallen back into my awaiting slumber, but his hand probed.

"Please, let go." I hummed.

"I can't do that. I'm not losing you as well. You're staying awake while on my watch." His voice held its commandant tone.

I grunted and leaned against the pillow again, and forced my eyes to remain open. My eyelids hung low, but I refused to shut them. I could make up Daniel's face and saw he was in slumber.

"Why is Daniel allowed to sleep, and not I?"

"Daniel needs his sleep, you do not. You are compelled to do so."

"How do you know he's not compelled?"

"You can tell by state which his face is in. If he were compelled, he would resemble you. Your face looks healthy, and vibrant. You also have a smile painted on your face." I frowned and he glared.

"When you indulge into your slumber, you seem delighted. In comparison to Daniel, who looks exhausted, with hallows around his eyes and a frown is formed."

"But, what if she's controlling his emotions and body language to do so?" I insisted on pestering him since he wouldn't let me slumber.

"In sleep, black magic is only able to insinuate nightmares. When awake, black magic can be casted on one's visions with illusions and our body movements."

"Dad, has all this knowledge on magic come from my mother? Or did you know of magic before hand?"

"Annabelle, as I said before. I was not a good man, until I met your mother and you two came to life."

"You're not answering my question."

"You're always been the persistent one. Yes, Annabelle. I have worked with magic before hand."

I shifted upon the duvet and now faced him.

"I'll take a lucky guess. You used to control dark magic. And to push my luck, you also had before hand experience with Jason and Emilee." His lips pressed into a grim line, and a dull gloss framed his chestnut irises.

"Well, I think you've learned enough of me today. I'm going to try to make some sort of elixir to restore some energy into you both."

"Dad?" His glossed irises flickered towards me. "I don't understand why Emilee is seeking revenge on us. Did you guys end on bad terms?" His glossed stare spoke for itself. His steps echoed down the stairs.

I turned back to face Daniel, and I regretted not seeing the signs. This was all an illusion. The man before me was not my father, but a mind trick. No father would walk out on his children when it is evident they are too weak to even hold themselves up.

My stomach was in knots and my hands trembled, as I let all the reality sink in.  A smile was plastered on Daniel's dry lips. The hallows were non-existent, as for the expression of exhaustion.

All I could possibly think of was why was I the chosen one to obtain all the mind tricks?

** I realized why she was so sure in your own strength. You're merely stable and contain the dominant powers. Meaning, you supply your little shewolf. **

As I recalled Lindsey's words, my eyes became rimmed with bits of crystalline tears and soon pools became to drool down my paled skin. My jaw clenched and the ends of my nails formed the shape of a  crescent into my palms as all the criticism regarding to my strength flooded me. The tears kept drooling down my puffed cheeks and my hands began to sting from the digging into my skin.

My gaze fell upon Daniel and anger laced my exasperation. Why did he choose me? Out of all the talented, determined and respected ones that he could've chosen, why me? I parted my lips to let out at least a scream of frustration, but the flood emotions to led me to feel feeble.

I laid against the cotton scented duvet, and my gaze trailed up to the fairy themed ceiling. I felt like I was drowning, and my ankles were restrained.

Altogether, my thoughts strayed towards the depths of the fear I held.


If there was an award of an author who sucked the most, I would definitely be the owner of that award.

I'm not too sure if the chapter has the length that's semi acceptable, I WILL KEEP UPDATING MORE CHAPTERS. I'M GOING TO STAY UP RESTLESSLY TO WRITE!

like always, please comment, vote, feedback, anything and stay addicted.


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