Chapter 22

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* Zayn

Last night couldn't have gone better. Everything was perfect just the way I had planned.

A smile spread on my lips as I thought and looked out the window.

"Hey Zayn!" I snapped out of my trance and was met by my mates.

"Is lover boy thinking of his girl?" Dimples teased.

"Harry, I told you not to call me that." I stood and tossed his curls. Harry glared at me and fixed his face. We all laughed and began charting.

We were on a party bus, about to go to a strip club.

It's my Bachelor Night.

The bus finally stopped and we made our way into the crowded place.

Beauties were sliding up on poles, their tops open and legs letting eyes peak inside. Some were dangling from silk and some were on tables, giving private dances.

We were guided by a tall man into a room. The room was a small like auditorium. There was a stage, five chairs, poles, and toys.

Suddenly the lights left and blinked back on.

There were ten girls in front of us. We all exchanged glances, smirks on our lips.

The girls strutted our way, pushed us into our chairs, and my jeans began to tighten.


* Darcy

I let out a scream as the boys grinded against me. All my friends cheered me, their red cups lifted. We were all intoxicated.

Our little party, turned into a teenage rave.

Lucy put the volume higher and the music was vibrating to me.

We were all close together. The music playing loud, our bodies moving to the rhythm, drinks everywhere, clothes even began becoming lose, and grinding was at its peak.

The boy I was dancing with, really held me tight, I feared he'd break me.

His hips grinded hard between my legs, earning a gasp everytime from me. He had me a corner now, I bet no one noticed.

We were the only ones that were still slightly sober.

His big hands cupped my bottom, wrapping my legs around his hips, creating more sensation.

The unexpected happen.

His lips locked with mine. I froze.

What was I supposed to do? I can't kiss him. I'm with Zayn. I can't do that. I'd be cheating.. Right?

His body became eager and he added more pressure on me.


* Zayn

The boys were scattered on the floor, the girls attached to their bodies and lips.

The smell of alcohol tingles in my nose and the intoxicating perfume of the girls was stuck on my skin.

The girls with me, were plain teasers. Their lips brushed against mine as their hands traveled through my jeans and upon my bare skin.

The loud music covered our groans and need of releasing.

Dimples' face was scrunched as the girl sucking him off was making him reach his climax. Liam was nearly breaking a girl in half. Louis and Niall were taking turns eating their girls out. Here I was just letting these girls touch me, suck and kiss.

I wonder what Darcy is doing. I suddenly felt jealously and then chuckled - Darcy wouldn't do that. I held the face of one of the girls with me.

"Hey Babydoll, show me your best." She smirked and her brown eyes glimmered.


* Darcy

I gasped in pain. My hands holding onto my head. I squinted at the clock beside me. It was five am.

I nearly fell off the bed and began getting dressed.


Why am I getting dressed?

I twirled on my feet and felt myself get lightheaded.

It was the boy. The boy from last night. He met my face, a smile on his lips. He winked at me and stood. He had shorts on, - maybe nothing happened.

But then, why am I nearly nude?

He wrote something down and then left.

I looked at the paper. It was his name, number, and a comment I didn't dare to read.

Zayn can't know about this.

I quickly entered the information on the paper on my phone, locked it and finished off. I hurried home. I'll message the girls later today.


Zayn nearly entered at the same time at me.

"Hey darling. Did you enjoy your last night single and innocent?" He winked.

A sour taste filled my mouth. My heartbeat quickened. I was lacking air. My hands are shaking.

"Are you alright?" His honey hazel eyes trying to meet mine.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I, I just, I'm going to take a shower. Long night, sweaty bodies." I quickly said and ran up the stairs. I came back down and pecked him, barely.

I didn't want to get my dirtyness on him.

When I reached my bathroom, I ripped my clothes off and basically crawled into my shower. I sat in a corner and let the burning water touch me. It was painful but it would wash away the dirt.

My hands roughly scrubbed the soap on, as hard tears ran down my cheeks.

Who could I have done that to Zayn? Zayn has been with me for nearly years now and this is how I repay him? I'm fucking disgusting. I don't deserve Zayn.

I cried hard and began sobbing loudly.

Shut up slut, do you want Zayn to hear you? You're disgusting, Zayn hates you now. ; My inner voice yelled at me.

The bathroom door opened, and Zayn peaked his head inside.

"Darcy, are you okay?" I stood under the water, the hotness falling on my face. That should cover up my pathetic tears.

"Yeah babe, why?" My voice was harsh, raspy.

"Darcy talk to me. I know when something is wrong. Something is up, something is bothering you. What happened last night?"

I slipped and this time hurt myself hard. Zayn flew on top of me to see what's wrong. I quickly covered myself up.

"Darcy c'mon lemme see."

"No, I want you see my ugly body and -" the tears spoke for me.

He picked me up, wrapped a towel around me, and set me on my bed. He came back and bandaged up my cuts.

He was silent.

He didn't look at me anymore, just stood there.

What was he going to do?

Does he still want to marry me?

Answering my question, he headed towards the door.

Before shutting it, a barely audible voice spoke.

"I love you."


Author's Note;

So, a lot happened..

Zayn and the strippers, Darcy and that dancer! What will happen next? (;

What did you think? Where is Zayn going? Will Zarcy get married? Will I do a sequel?

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