Chapter 16

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* Zayn

I woke up to the calling of my name, in whispers. I nearly jumped when I found a pair of eyes staring at me.

"Jesus, Lindsey. I thought you stopped doing that to me. One of these days you're going to end up killing me from fright." I argued, my thick British accent making my words slur a bit.

She giggled and murmured an apology.

I sunk down deeper into the bed. Here I was, laying beside Darcy. I held her limp hand in mine, close to me. I rested my chin on top of her head.

"You really love her, don't you?" Lindsey asked. I turned to see her, a smile on her lips. I traced her gaze and my lips parted. Darcy was awake. Her big green eyes looking around, not recognizing the area. She looked strangely at us.

The doctor had mentioned she would have a defect but it wouldn't be able to be identified until she was awake and stable. I have her one gentle, tight hug before jumping off the bed. I nearly skipped to door. I opened the door slightly, yet stopped.

"Zayn," my heart fluttered as I heard her call my name. "I love you." Darcy whispered. A crooked smile appeared on my lips.

"I love you too." I whispered back. A smile spread upon her pink lips.

I rushed into Darcy's doctor. A crew of nurses and him, entered Darcy's room. Lindsey was ushered out.

A smile matched mine.

"There's the boy we all missed to see." She gave me a hug laughing at my dorky face.

We headed into the cafeteria and settled down with two cups of tea and some chips.

Happiness bubbled through me. Lindsey sighed.

"She still loved you Zayn." My chips turned sour in my mouth. I knew who she was talking about. "Everytime she came to my place, she'd gush about how much she loved you. She cried everytime, when she told me stories about how she had hurt you. It sometimes made me envious. All I heard from her lips was, how a good kid you were, how much she loved you, and how she hurt you. You held all her attention. When I saw her, she was a mess. Not the perfect, beautiful mom you'd always see. When she came to me, her eyes were swollen from crying, she smelt like liquor and cigarettes. She would tear herself down, from all the pain she caused you, even with Darcy."

"If she loved me as you say, why did she hurt me for so many years? And my main question is, why should I stay away from Darcy as you said before?" My voice arose. Her eyes penetrated through me, I gulped and lowered my voice. "Why didn't she hurt you?" I nearly whispered.

"I don't think dad told you this but mom was mentally ill. She suffered with a disorder where she self harms. But, instead, she hurt others, which was a way to hurt herself even worse." My eyes widened. I was never told about my mother's illness. "You are a carrier of that illness. Even as a kid." I gulped hard.

"Answer my next question. Why, why stay away from Darcy? Why, weren't you hurt?" I didn't like talking about my illness. I wanted to switch the topic quickly. Lindsey's lips straightened into a line.

"Darcy is the reason why you hurt others. Just like mom, you were her reason. She loved you in a way, no other could understand and to love you as she did and with her illness, she had to hurt. When you were younger, mom used Darcy as your weakness. You've always been the tough, big brother. And mom, had to break that power you gained, by hurting you." I say back in my chair. I rubbed my eyes with my hands. I've always blamed my mom for her actions, but never knew her reason behind them.

"And to answer your last question. Mom didn't hurt me, because she wasn't able to. She didn't love me the way she loved you. She saw me as nothing. No reason to hurt me. She needed me. I was her personal go-to-girl. If she hadn't vent to me, I can assure you, we'd be long dead. All of us."

A question still lingered in my thoughts.

"You're my sister, correct?" She nodded. "Then is Darcy my sister?"


We both turned to the doctor who stood before our table.

"Mr.Malik, may I have a moment to speak with you?"

I clenched my jaw, nodding.

I stood, shared a look with Lindsey and followed the doctor's steps.

"I have news for you. Bad and Good. Which one would you like to hear?" The usual talk with a doctor.

"Good." I couldn't handle anymore bad news, first.

"Darcy is stabled. There's no danger in her suffering memory loss, brain damage. Nothing too serious." I sighed, relived. "The bad news is, because of all the blood lost and her several injuries, Darcy at the moment is infertile. This has high chances of being permanent. I have informed Darcy of the news, and she would like to speak with you privately." Tears outlined my eyes. The doctor patted me, a frown on his thin lips.

I straightened myself up and walked into her hospital room. Tears stained her face. I nearly broke down. I nearly ran to her, holding her fragile body in mine.


Hai loves :) damn, now this chapter had some confessions and a lot of questions were answered. Tell me what you thought! I hope you guys like it. xo

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