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"Psst!" I hissed loud enough to get the person's attention across the room as I poked my head inside.

The small kid lying on the hospital bed with his back to the door turned around slowly until he faced me. His eyes instantly lighted up after realizing it was me.

"Ms. Agatha!" Simon, an adorable and energetic eight-year-old, exclaimed as I looked around the room and the hallway, pretending to check if the coast was clear.

"I brought some goodies for my favorite guy." I told him, showing what I had hidden behind my back.

"Is that chocolate cake with sprinkles?"

His enthusiasm over a piece of cake brought a smile to my face as I approached his bed, setting the plastic container on the tray with his leftover lunch.

Simon has been in the trauma intensive care unit for almost two months after his whole family was involved in a fatal car accident where his dad and little brother lost their lives. His mom was still in an induced coma due to the severe injuries she obtained that night, and the doctors weren't sure if she would ever wake up.

Out of the four in the family, Simon was the only one to come out from the accident with mild injuries. The child was no longer my patient after his last surgery, but he, along with his grandparents, had won over my whole heart in the past two months.

I could never go home for the day without seeing him first.

"I made sure to bring you the last piece before Nancy got her hands on it," I informed him while helping him take ahold of the fork.

His hands suffered most of the damage as they somehow got pinned. After several surgeries and intensive therapy, there was still some nerve damage making it hard for him to do basic things like grab items without guidance making it a challenge for him. Something that frustrated him greatly, but he always tried to hide it in front of everyone else, especially his grandparents.

"Ugh, Nancy," he rolled his eyes, taking a big bite of the chocolate funfetti cake.

I laughed, ruffling his dark curly hair. "You know you love her and that she loves you."

Nancy was one of the trauma nurses who were in charge of Simon's care. She was a lovely lady, but the kid disliked her because, according to him, all she did was constantly poke him with needles and interrupt his sleep time for checkups.

"I love you more," he smiled before excitedly nodding towards his nightstand. "I made something for you!"

"Oh yeah? What is it?"

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now