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After the whole incident of believing that Maia got taken, things have become quite a blur in my life.

I have been working nonstop both at the fire station and at the hospital like a complete maniac to keep myself busy in order to prevent my anxiety from getting worse, which was already bad as it was.

I could not comprehend how I was still standing when all these weeks I've only been operating on zero sleep, pure caffeine, and loads of sugar—the perfect combination for a crashing accident waiting to happen.

Though things have seemed to start to cool down with Ian and Chloe, that is if they were the ones making poor taste pranks on me to cause fear in my life. Which, so far, they have achieved.

Even through the quietness, I knew better than to keep my guard down when it came to those two. After that day at the hospital, Athena has been helping keep track of both Ian and Chloe's whereabouts, along with finding ways of keeping Maia and me safe.

   Though her hard work did not seem to be enough for two specific individuals.

"Is all that really necessary?" I asked, watching Evan on a ladder installing yet another camera on the side of my house as my father instructed his every move.

As if I didn't already have an expensive security system that I paid for when I bought the house.

    "Yes." Both men said in unison, making me roll my eyes.

    "Let them be, honey." Cara chuckled from her spot on the porch swing. Maia found her way into Cara's arms, still looking a little under the weather after going through her first stomach bug.

    Those days of dealing with her sickness had been a literal hell not only for her but for me too.

    I barely got any sleep making sure that she was okay and not developing a fever in the middle of the night while she cried, not understanding what was going on with her. Then the whole thing of her only wanting to lay down with Evan was a headache of its own. 

    When I say that my days have been literal hell, I mean it. To make matters worse, I also had to deal with two wannabe superheroes.

    Dad and Evan have been breathing down my neck after that morning at the hospital. Evan would find any excuse in the book to stay over with Maia and me or make me stay at his place while my father was constantly checking on me over the phone and in-person almost every hour of the day.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now