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T W E N T Y  F I V E

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T W E N T Y  F I V E

    As the days all jumbled together, I couldn't get Chloe's words out of my head.

    It didn't matter how I tried to interpret her words. It all sounded like a threat to me.

    Evan, on the other hand, saw the whole thing as a sincere warning, believing that maybe just maybe, Chloe was no longer the person we had met before. That was clearly something he and I did not have in common. Evan was the type of person to see the good in everyone, contrary to me.

    How could I after she tried to kill me not just once but twice?

"You look better." Liam pointed out, leaning against the deck's railing.

I let out a loud sigh, brushing my freshly cut bangs with my fingers. "I feel better too, considering everything."

I knew Liam was referring to the fact that I finally had color on my face and no longer looked like death compared to how I looked not long ago.

When someone loses their will to live, they also lose all sense of wanting to look presentable.

The only reason I got out of bed to shower and brush my hair back when I was in the dark hole was due to the constant push I got from my family, Daisy, and Theodore. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have bothered ever leaving my bed.

     "That's good."

    "Okay, fine. Let's get the awkwardness over with so we both can move on." I said, straightening in my seat. "I owe you an apology." 

    "Apology? For what?"

    I chuckled, shaking my head. This guy was way too nice for his good. "You know what for. I didn't plan to leave you waiting for me that night, but I also couldn't allow myself to play with your feelings."

    "It's fine, Agatha," He shrugged, staring down at his feet. "Though it would've been nice to have a heads up so I wouldn't worry or worry your friend for that matter."

    I later found out that Liam drove to my house that night
I was supposed to go to the event with him. Daisy had been staying over after I got out of the psychiatric ward to keep me company.

    Instead of finding me there, he encountered himself with her and told her I never showed up. She panicked, but Evan was one step ahead of me and messaged her that I was with him.

    I guess none of them trusted me after what I did.

    "It's not fine. I know how much that event meant for you. I also know that you and I got really close throughout those months we spent together, that some lines were blurred, and we never labeled our relationship. I like you, Liam, but I will never love you like I love Buck. You deserve so much better than what I could've ever given you."

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