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I ran to the emergency double doors along with the other nurses and ER interns just as the ambulance pulled up.

"40-year-old male. Unconscious. Fell from the ceiling of a two-story house. Broken ribs, arm, and possible brain trauma." Nancy, the 126's paramedic, informed the team as she opened the ambulance doors and helped get the stretcher out.

"We administered an IV and have kept him in a position he can still breathe normally. He has been out for the past ten minutes." TK added, jumping out of the ambulance and helping us pass the male onto a hospital stretcher. "Fancy seeing you here,"

Rolling my eyes at TK, I instructed the nurses to page the Neurology department while one of the other nurses and I prepared the operating room.

"See you tonight!" Nancy gave me a wink before going back to the driver's side of the ambulance. I looked over at TK, annoyed.

"TK, I told you yesterday and again this morning, no."

Since it slipped Marjan's mouth that my birthday was coming two weeks ago, TK and Carlos have been making a big deal out of it. I've made it clear to both of them, especially TK, that I did not want any party or get together whatsoever.

All I wanted for my birthday was to sit down and relax while watching a movie with Maia, and that was it.

"And I recall telling you that I was not going to be taking no for an answer. It's your birthday, and we are going to celebrate either you want to or not." He maintained, sounding very determined.

"I have to go into surgery," I told him, looking back towards the nurses who ran with the patient.

"Six o'clock sharp!" He reminded me as I walked inside the double doors, leaving him behind.

No matter what he said, I was not going anywhere.

- - - - -

"Come on, stop dragging your feet and walk like the grown woman you are," Marjan exclaimed, linking our arms together and pulling me with her.

After a constant back and forth with TK and Marjan about going out tonight after my shift at the hospital, I had lost the battle.

"I look like a cheap sex worker," Self consciously, I adjusted the skin-tight black dress Marjan insisted on me to wear. I felt so exposed it was ridiculous.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now