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Three Months Later

Taking one last look at the mirror, I smoothed my hands down the front of my new emerald dress, lingering them on my stomach.

"Did you die over there?" I heard Daisy shout from somewhere in the living room.

  Shaking my head at my reflection, I fluffed my hair a little and walked back to where my best friends were waiting for me.

  "You look stunning, Aggs!" Marjan gushed through the bright screen of my laptop.

  Daisy nodded in agreement from her spot on the sofa. "Marj, now you see why I insisted on her getting this dress instead of the red one? She looks hot."

  I rolled my eyes at my friends, feeling the heat spread from my cheeks up to my ears. "Stop."

  "Just take the compliment, girly. The color looks fantastic against the tone of your glowing skin. It also makes your gorgeous eyes pop off."

  Marjan and I exchanged a look and started laughing. Daisy was only on her first glass of wine, and the alcohol was already getting to her by the looks of it.

  "Sounds to me like Jack has to watch out." Marjan teased.

  Daisy snorted, finishing what was left of her wine in the glass. "I'm not into girls, but I would definitely get inside Agatha's pants if I were. Now, to me, that sounds like Buck is the one that has to watch out."

  Shaking my head at Zee's tipsiness, I cleared my throat. "I feel like I'm walking stupidly in these heels." I rolled my right ankle, the gold strap of the stilettos Daisy insisted on me getting scratching against my skin.

  "Let's see, walk," Marjan instructed, leaning closer to her screen.

    Ignoring the awkwardness I felt about practically modeling for my friends, I took a couple of steps around the living room, ready to hear the honest feedback from the two most genuine people I, unfortunately, decided to befriend.

"You are walking fine. It's normal to feel like you are wobbling all over the place. You literally got a cast taken off yesterday." Marjan added sincerely.

    "True. Besides, if you fall, your date is supposed to catch you like in the movies, all cheesy and romantic like that." Daisy held her hands to her chest as though about to swoon before dramatically throwing herself back on the sofa.

    "The last thing she needs right now is to break another bone, Zee." Marjan chuckled.

    Some people would call it to rest, but I considered the last three months as some kind of house arrest after the doctors restricted me from doing any sort of activity that would slow down the healing process of the broken ribs and right knee I got as a result of the explosion that happened at the hospital while I was working.

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