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"Well, the floor is yours," I motioned for him to start talking.

I had a lot of things I have been wanting to say and ask that have been eating me alive for months, but he was the one that caused all this in the first place on top of showing up at my house unannounced last night.

"As much as I enjoyed last night, and it was amazing, it really shouldn't have happened," he started saying.

     His words were already making my stomach hurt as my head kept going back to Taylor's text message. I should have known from the start that he came to break my heart even further by telling me he was with Taylor now.

"I agree," I nodded, awkwardly shifting my weight from one foot to the other. "I was slightly drunk, and I shouldn't have initiated things. It was my fault."

He slowly shook his head in disagreement. "It takes two to have sex, Agatha. It was both our faults."

"I guess."

    A deep silence quickly followed between us as we stood in the middle of the dining room, staring at each other like two complete idiotic strangers.

    Everything between us has changed so much in the months that have passed. Even before we started dating years ago, we used to talk nonstop as if we had known each other for our entire lives, and now we couldn't even have a normal conversation without it being awkward.

    It was absurd to me how two people can go from being each other's everything to basically being strangers.

I hated it.

Finally breaking the silence, he said softly, "I'm sorry, I didn't think all of this through."

I laughed, a hollow emotionless laugh. Of course, he didn't. "Isn't that a shocker, Evan Buckley doing things without thinking?"

"Look, Aggs, I don't want you to think that I came all the way here to sleep with you even though I'm aware last night's actions indicated otherwise," he sighed as he took a step towards me. I stood motionless, not wanting to close the distance between us or separate myself from him either. Sleeping with him last night has messed with my emotions, and it was clearly showing. "I came because I want to tell you in person how sorry I am for what I did and for hurting you. I acted like an asshole, and you didn't— don't deserve that."

    "I don't know what you want me to say, Evan," I said, forcing myself to look at him. "Why now? Why after six long months? Is this some type of game to you?"

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