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F O U R T E E N (⚠️🌶🌶)

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F O U R T E E N (⚠️🌶🌶)

"Follow my lead and try not to step on my toes." Henrietta told Eddie the second we arrived at our next call.

I stood back, shaking my head at my co-workers, before facing our Captain. "You know, when you asked me if I could fill in for Chimney for a couple of shifts, you failed to inform me that I would be working in a hostile work environment."

It wasn't just Hen, the one who was having a hard time adjusting to her new temporary partner; it was also Evan, who I wasn't entirely sure if he liked Ravi or not by the way he has been treating the poor kid. Ravi was constantly eager to learn, but Evan was making it his life mission to make Ravi's life miserable while on call.

Uncle Bobby ignored my comment and proceeded to knock on the door.

Curling my fingers around the cord of my radio while we waited to be let in, I made a face at Evan, who was explaining to Ravi how doors worked as if the guy was a child.

"For safety reasons, most residential doors open inwards, which is why the hinges aren't on the outside, and you can't just saw them off," Buck explained.

"Seriously?" I said loud enough for him to hear. Eddie looked over at me and rolled his eyes, agreeing that his friend had lost his last working neurons.

"Come on." Bobby moved to the side, giving the guys enough space to open the door.

"Why don't you do the honors?" Buck passed Ravi the Halligan bar, who excitedly grabbed it and proceeded to push the door open.

"Help me!" A guy cried from somewhere in the house.

Hen said something, and it wasn't until I stood next to her that I realized why she had the face she had. The house owner was on the toilet, resting on his legs.

I had so many questions yet decided to keep my mouth shut before someone planned on taking my life away since now it looked like we had to work around eggshells.

"Okay, did you hurt your head or your neck in any way?" Hen inquired, setting her belongings down.

"No." I heard the guy respond.

"We are going to help you sit up so that you can breathe a little easier." Hen explained, moving around, and Eddie followed suit. The both of them bumped with each other earning Eddie a death glare from Hen. "What are you doing?"

"Getting into position to lift the patient." Eddie responded.

"On my side?"

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