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    His fingers tightened around the strands of my growing hair, pulling my head back while I tried my best not to yell out in pain as tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't show him I was terrified.

    His free hand hit me before I could see it moving, making contact with my cheek along with the corner of my mouth. I knew I was bleeding from one of my lips when I started tasting the metallic taste of blood on my tongue.

     Panic and fear thread through my body. My head went to terrifying dark places as I watched the person standing before me go from being the only person I loved to a complete monster.

He pinned me against the cold tiles after dragging me by the hair. His fingers curled around my neck, tightening with every movement I tried to make, making it difficult for me to breathe as I kept gagging desperately, trying to catch my breath.

   My only thought at that moment was that I was going to die.

    "Hey, are you okay?"

    "Huh?" I managed to say, looking away from the window.

    "I asked if you are okay. You've been in another world since yesterday and have been slapping that elastic band on your wrist for almost twenty minutes now." Hen motioned to my hands resting on my lap. "What did Buck do to you during that call?"

    Following her gaze, I noticed the bright red mark the hair tie left behind around my pale skin. Gently letting go of the band, I tucked my hand between Evan and me on the seat while putting on a fake smile for Hen, who was sitting across from me, expecting an answer. "Nothing."

It wasn't a lie. Evan didn't do anything to me this time aside from saving my ass from getting charged by that lunatic from yesterday's call and getting written up by our Captain.

Instead of going straight to uncle Bobby to report what had happened during the call like he should've had, Evan kept quiet and pretended that everything went fine.

He also had to convince the police officers that showed up at the apartment we were responding to the call that I had no intentions of hurting Samantha's husband with the knife, that I was simply protecting myself and the victim from her husband, who grew more aggressive and agitated with every minute that we spent there taking care of his wife.

The truth is that I wasn't so sure if I wouldn't have hurt the guy. Something told me that if Evan hadn't shown up when he did, I would've done the unthinkable. All I could see in that man's eyes was the monster Ian turned into.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now