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"I swear that kid has shot up like a weed," I heard Eddie say as I slowly helped Maia go out the stairs of the firehouse I have missed so much. At the rate we were walking, we weren't ever going to make it upstairs, but the little girl insisted on doing everything on her own.

As much as I didn't want to return to California yet because it meant facing what broke me, I was forced to make a decision that would also affect Maia.

    Theodore, Evan, and Daisy were right when they kept nagging at me the day after my birthday about the possibility that if Ian was the one that sent the anonymous flowers, Maia and I were not safe. I tried to argue with them that even if I returned to California, we wouldn't be safe either because they couldn't be with me every second of the day, but they insisted on me returning either way.

    In the end, no matter how much thought I put into it, the decision wasn't so difficult. I was not ready to go back, but at the same time, I missed my father and uncle. I felt safer knowing they were around compared to how alone I felt in Texas.

    Even though Marjan and TK got upset when I told them I was leaving, they sided with Buck and the others. Even Mrs. Patt and Simon's grandparents pushed me to go back home. They didn't know any details or anything about Ian, but they expressed that it is better to be with loved ones than alone.

    "They'll do that," Hen told him.

"Would you look at that if it isn't Ms. Traitor Goldilocks looking like she's ready to give grandpa a sponge bath?" Chimney jested after he noticed me just as Maia and I were about to walk into the small play area where they were currently playing pool before Maia let go of my hand and wobbled her way towards Evan ignoring everyone else trying to say hi to her.

Without missing a beat, I punched his arm playfully as I rolled my eyes."You always have something stupid to say, don't you, Howard?"

"I haven't seen you in 6 months. I have plenty of things to say, so I better start now, right?"

    "You know, I have to side with Chimney this time because I find it hurtful that you have been back in Los Angeles for almost three weeks, and this is the first time you come to see us." Hen said. I know she was playing around, but it partly sounded like she was actually hurt about it.

"Don't take it personally, please. I'm sorry. It wasn't done on purpose. Moving from one state to another in such a short time is harder than it seems. Then on top of that, my house was alone for six months, and even though dad kept up with it, I still had to clean. Plus, you all know I started my new job at the hospital. I barely have time even to sleep." I apologized, feeling terrible.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now