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I honestly couldn't feel more stupid and embarrassed at the moment, even if I tried.

    There was an intense desire within me for the ground to open up and swallow me whole right here and now. Maybe that would take me out of this rapidly growing misery.

Why did I think that kissing Evan was a great idea, especially in front of wannabe Lois Lane?

It was one thing hooking up with him in an equipment closet where the decision was mutual and a whole other thing kissing him out of the blue out of impulsiveness. Okay, yeah, he might've kissed me back in such an intense way in front of her that I still couldn't wrap my mind around it, but still.

I behaved like some wild animal getting all territorial of someone that wasn't even mined, to begin with. Not that not being with me would stop him from messing with another woman like he already did before.

I caught sight of my reflection in the foggy mirror over the sink and immediately grimaced.

"Es que si eres idiota." I shook my head in disappointment at my stupid self before realizing that I couldn't hide in the bathroom forever.

Hanging the damp towel behind the door, I grabbed my overnight bag and exited the bathroom, ready to face the mess I might've caused, all thanks to my impulsivity.

The smell of coffee and pancakes greeted my nostrils as loud little giggles filled the apartment, automatically slightly soothing the growing nerves in my body.

    "Daddy, no!" I heard Maia laugh.

    Holding my breath, I silently prayed that Taylor was long gone and not downstairs playing house with Evan and my daughter. The simple thought of it made me sick to my stomach.

    I thought I was starting to move on from Evan, but I couldn't seem to stomach the idea of him being with her while also taking care of our daughter.

    A sigh of relief immediately left my lips after only seeing Evan and Maia in the area. No Nancy Drew insight.

    There was no way in hell I would be able to deal with Taylor's presence today or even ever.  My life has been terrible as it is. I didn't want to add her stupid self to it.

Without making a sound, I set my bag down on Evan's bed and slowly walked towards the railing, resting my forearms against it as I silently watched Maia and Evan downstairs.

Always and Forever || Evan Buckley || 9-1-1 (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now